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302. Overcoming Adversity: Lessons from Adversitology with Frank McKinney

the daily helping podcast Mar 26, 2023

Are you feeling defeated by life’s challenges? Meet Frank McKinney – a real estate artist, bestselling author, and philanthropist who has triumphed over adversity. Despite graduating high school with a 1.8 GPA and only having a one-way plane ticket to South Florida, Frank persevered by working hard, flipping houses, and eventually developing ocean front mansions.

But, his journey didn’t stop there. Frank realized that he was missing something spiritually and started the Carryinghouse Project Foundation to provide housing to those in need. In his newest book, Adversitology, he shares his personal experience with chronic myeloid leukemia and outlines the importance of accepting and disidentifying from adversity.

Frank emphasizes the power of collaborating with experts and being a philanthropic capitalist. He combines the best of philanthropy and capitalism to fund his charity work in Haiti, where he builds self-sustaining villages.

Don’t let adversity keep you down. Frank’s story shows that anything is possible with hard work and determination. Remember to accept and disidentify from your challenges, collaborate with experts, and combine the best of philanthropy and capitalism to make a difference in the world.


The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

In life, you’ve got to learn to exercise your risk tolerance like a muscle. Eventually, it will become stronger and able to withstand greater pressure. The feeling of fear is nothing more than the thought. We experience fear when we think about taking a risk. Once we take the risk, the fear goes away. Don’t let the sensation of fear that sets in once you think about taking a risk stop you.

Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.




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The Daily Helping Episode 302: Frank McKinney

Frank McKinney: [00:00:00] I learned that if I'm not feeling afraid, every day of my life, I'm stagnating. I just don't let that fear stop me. I look at it and say, okay, you're afraid, Frank, because you're contemplating a big change or challenge. You're contemplating a risk in your life. Don't let the sensation of fear that sets in once you think about taking a risk. And it can be that the risk associated with getting over your adversity stop you.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:00:30] Hello and welcome to The Daily Helping with Dr. Richard Shuster, food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, tools to win at life. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. Whoever you are, wherever you're from and whatever you do, this is the show that is going to help you become the best version of yourself. Each episode you will hear from some of the most amazing, talented and successful people on the planet who followed their passions and strive to help others. Join our movement to get a million people each day to commit acts of kindness for others. Together, we're going to make the world a better place. Are you ready? Because it's time for your Daily Helping. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of The Daily Helping podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. And we have an amazing guest to share with you today. His name is Frank McKinney. And he's been described as a modern-day Renaissance man who's pushed the limits of success in every endeavor. Today, Frank's life is a testament to the power of aspiration to create a completely new reality. As a real estate artist, he has created and sold 44 oceanfront mansions on spec with an average price of $14 million. He recently announced he was unretiring and coming back to create more real estate artistry. We'll have to talk about that. And they made two short films about his comeback as well. The Frank McKinney brand has been in the media for over 30 years. He's been featured internationally in such places as Oprah, ABC's 2020, the cover of USA Today, CBS's The Early Show, Fox, CNN, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, HGTV, The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fortune, Barron's. And he's appeared in over 2900 TV and print stories. As a Philanthro capitalist, Frank has built 30 self-sustaining villages over the last 20 years in Haiti, providing almost 14,000 children and their families with homes, schools, clinics, community centers, churches, renewable food, and clean water. He's a bestselling author, actor, keynote speaker. He's written over eight books in seven genres. His newest book available everywhere, Adversitology, Overcoming Adversity When You're Hanging on By a Thread, is the reason Frank is here, and we're going to talk about it. My goodness. Frank, welcome to The Daily Helping. There's so much we could talk about today. I'm excited you're here.

Frank McKinney: [00:03:07] I got to modify my bio to say now 2901 media appearances.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:03:13] 2901, I love it. I love it. Well, I'm excited that you're here. I'm excited to talk about your new book. There are elements of your bio that I intentionally left out. And I want to jump into the Frank McKinney DeLorean here. Let's go back in time and I want to talk about your superhero origin story. So tell us what ultimately put you on the path you're on today.

Frank McKinney: [00:03:37] Well, I'm just a corn fed country boy born in Indiana, raised on a farm, oldest of six. My father worked at a bank. My mother was a schoolteacher until the fourth child was born. And then she was a full-time stay at home mom. I went to four high schools in four years, not because my dad was in the military. It's because I was asked to leave one high school after the next, after the next, after the next. I finally graduated with a 1.8 GPA. With that GPA, I couldn't pursue any form of formal education. Not even a community college would take me. And before I got on that plane with a $50 bill and a one-way plane ticket, I had just walked out of juvenile detention for the seventh time between the ages of 14 and 17 years and 364 days. Right. Because once you turn 18, you're going to jail. And I realized, listen, I needed to take out -- this was a metaphorical eraser, I needed to take out the eraser, turn around to the chalkboard of life and erase what was causing my mother to turn prematurely gray, my beautiful mother to turn prematurely gray. And that was to get out of Indiana, land in South Florida with all I could carry on my back and a duffel bag and a $50 bill and start pursuing my professional highest calling, which ultimately led me to my spiritual, highest calling.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:04:53] So this is fascinating. So you get out of juvie, you hop on a plane with 50 bucks, you go to South Florida. Why South Florida?

Frank McKinney: [00:05:01] It was warm.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:05:05] As a midwestern guy, I get that all too well. So, okay. But you said you found your calling. Like, how did you find your way into what you're doing now? Like, how did you find, what was that journey like for you?

Frank McKinney: [00:05:17] You know, again, we got 25, 35 minutes. The short version is I don't believe in the welfare mentality. I don't believe in the entitlement mentality. The system is fine, like welfare system and entitlement systems are good for what they're intended to do, but the mentality is toxic. Meaning I was very proud to have a job digging sand traps on a golf course for 180 bucks a week that I earned the nickname the White Haitian. And because of my work ethic, not because of my tan, because of my work ethic, I was so happy to have a job. And when I was on that golf course, Dr. Richard, you're a little younger than me, but there was a show on TV called Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. For you younger people that are watching, listening MTV Cribs, that voyeuristic look inside the lifestyle of the rich and famous. And I wanted a piece of it. But how? With no network, no friends, no connections, no money. I watched these people come out and play golf like all day, four or five, six hours. They never seem to work. Then I was moved to the tennis courts as a maintenance worker over there. I've got a 25 cent an hour raise. Same people that were playing golf in the morning were playing tennis in the afternoon. How do you get that lifestyle? I became a tennis instructor. I was a very good tennis player as a young boy. I gave all that up for the life of crime, that juvenile delinquent that I became, but I didn't forget how to play tennis. I was teaching tennis, earning 100 grand a year by the time I was 19 1/2. On that tennis court, I earned my PhD in entrepreneurship, my Master's in Real Estate, because Dr. Richard, let's say, was teaching you how to hit a better forehand or backhand. You're 78 ft on the other side of the net. You drove up to that lesson in a Ferrari or Lamborghini or a Mercedes. You had a beautiful Beyonce lookalike wife. You had a mansion. You had a yacht. You had 2.2 beautiful kids. How did you get to live this lifestyle? And the answer that I heard more often than not, where I earned that PhD on that tennis court by teaching people like you was, Frank, I earned my money in doing my 9 to 5, you know, I was a lawyer or a doctor or an inventor, but I took my money, and I invested in real estate. I saved enough money baking out there in the hot sun as a tennis instructor to buy a crack house in 1987, not to smoke crack in and not to live in, but to renovate and flip. Flip wasn't even an adjective used in real estate. It was used in gymnastics. Nobody was flipping houses back in the late '80s. I got really good at the craft of real estate, Dr. Richard, to the point where I'd done hundreds of houses worth less than $100,000. I didn't do a house worth more than 100 grand until I did my first oceanfront house on a spec, meaning I built without a buyer in mind for $2.2 million. From that point forward, we've done 44 projects on the direct oceanfront in Palm Beach County with an average selling price of $14.5 million. So it was that epiphanous moment when I saw the lifestyles of the rich and famous. I was impressionable, I was young, I was materialistic, I was consumeristic, and I wanted that lifestyle. And it was the real estate, the speculative real estate market in South Florida that gave it to me.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:08:30] There's some things here that are really interesting to me. And you mentioned that you got to South Florida and becoming the white Haitian, ultimately a tennis instructor and then flipping houses before that was a Vogue term to use puts you on your career trajectory. But you also mentioned a spiritual path. Tell us about that.

Frank McKinney: [00:08:52] So coming from that background, in the late '90s, I had sold the most expensive spec house in the history of Palm Beach County. I was on the front cover of the Miami Herald. And back then, I'm going to use this and just imagine this. Is this audio or video or just audio?

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:09:15] It will release first in audio and we may do things with it on video.

Frank McKinney: [00:09:19] Well, for those of you just audio, imagine back in the late '90s we did not read our newspapers on our phone. We read them like crackle, open the newspaper. And I was so eager to read the story about myself with my arms raised in triumph in front of this $14 million house. I open up the newspaper. On one side is my story. I'm checking it to make sure it's all everything's right. The picture looks good. The house looks good. They quoted me right. Richard, Dr. Richard, on the left-hand side was an article about a homeless man that was being fed by a soup kitchen, a mobile soup kitchen out from underneath the overpass in 1995. I looked at my face in that picture and the smile on my face was fake. The smile on my face was contrived. The smile on my face was that of a consumerist and a materialist and an egotist. Yet the smile on the face of a homeless man was so pure. Now, since this is primarily there listening to this, for those of you look me up, if I let my hair go and I let my beard go and I let my clothes tear, I can look like a homeless person like that. There but for the grace of God go why. Why did I land on the right-hand side of the page? Turn my life around. Took a right turn, metaphorically and literally. And here's this beautiful, glowing article. And what did this other Frank do that looked just like me? Doppelganger. Just like me. Yet he landed up on the left-hand side of the page. And why was I feeling -- I'm not going to curse on your program. Why was I feeling like dirt? Why was I feeling like that other four-letter word? And I went to my mentor, and I asked him, what's missing? I'm on the top of the world yet I'm deeply depressed. I'm like very depressed at that point. He says, Frank, you found your professional, highest calling. What's your spiritual highest calling? What are you talking about? I don't know what that is. I don't know. I don't have one.  And he, rest his soul, God rest his soul. He passed away a couple of years ago at 97 years old. He says, listen, you provide housing to the ultrawealthy. We don't really need another house. You're really good at it. And it's a gift God gave you. You should keep doing it. What about those who don't have a house? I mean, you're a 1.8 GPA guy. You're a linear thinker. You're not that bright. But you do understand that, to whom much is entrusted, much is required. To whom much is given, much is expected. And that moment, the light bulb went off and we started our Caring House Project Foundation. And now, as you said, Dr. Richard, we've built 30 self-sustaining villages in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. That being Haiti, providing over 13,600 children with a self-sustaining life. That spiritual highest calling, I was able to dovetail with my professional highest calling. Like I got to be a modern day, Robin Hood. You talk about a superhero. I almost steal from the rich at 3,000 a square foot is what I sell for. People think we do steal from them at that price. And then I take the proceeds with other donors, and we build these selfsustaining villages in Haiti.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:12:20] That's amazing. And it's amazing. And, you know, it's funny. I have a lot of parallels as I'm hearing you talk. My own journey was very similar, and I've been very open about this. I was really a materialistic, horrible person until I broke my back in that car accident and realized it's not about the money. It's not about stuff. It's about helping people. That that's what filled my heart and my soul with joy. So it's wonderful to hear that from you. I want to shift gears and I know we're taking a big jump in time. And perhaps we'll do another episode where we'll keep talking about the journey that you've been on. But I want to give you time to talk about your book, Adversitology, which is available everywhere, because I think it's important and I think it's relevant and I think so many people can relate to it. So, Frank, tell us why you wrote this book.

Frank McKinney: [00:13:18] So first of all, this is a first interview I've done since the book was released on March 11th. So thank you for allowing me to be the first. Adversitology. It's a made-up word but think theology or biology. Ology, the study of. It's the study of adversity. Subtitle Overcoming Adversity When You're Hanging On by A Thread. On March 11th, 2020, that was the day the world was shut down with Covid. I was given a death sentence by my doctor, chronic myeloid leukemia. My body up to that point had been covered in Teflon. My middle name was Midas. Everything I touched turned to gold. My world was destroyed in an instant. I kept that diagnosis. And what I did to persevere through it a secret for over two years, I'm the oldest of six, Dr. Richard, and not even my brothers and sisters knew. My mom knew. My spiritual adviser knew. My therapist knew. My wife and daughter knew. Five people over the span of over two years. And I realized as I was coming out the other end of that physical adversity, yes, I have a degree in adverse ecology now. What about those who are going through financial adversity? Bankruptcy. Losing money on a bunch of money on a deal. Relational adversity. Losing a loved one or getting divorced. Spiritual adversity can come in all forms. So Adversitology isn't limited to just the physical adversity that I endured. As a matter of fact, I back tested the thesis of Adversitology on the financial adversities I had suffered back in 2010 when the real estate world was crashing. I've been married 33 years, so you better believe I've had some relational adversities with being married all that time. And it worked in those cases, even though I didn't know I was applying it. So all of your listeners, I can guarantee you one thing. You will and already have, unless you're four years old and you're listening to this, will suffer from some form of financial, spiritual, relational or physical adversity. I cannot help you avoid them. But what I learned going through my adversity, just like the adversities you've gone through, Dr. Richard, I can help you get through them quicker and with far less pain. It worked for me. After two years of keeping it a secret, I woke up one morning and said, okay, it's time. So that was two years. It took me a year to write the book. And to be as vulnerable and authentic and transparent to share, there's pictures of this book of me losing all my hair and wearing wigs. And, you know, my hair has been my brand forever. I mean, it was devastating. But I also quote or also reference even the first chapter this thing that I've come to realize being a truth, the Adversitology quotient that says everybody on this earth goes through more or less the same amount of adversity. So if you're going through adversity right now, physical, financial, spiritual, relational, we're in this together. You will get out the other end quicker and with less pain if you applied what I did to get through that chronic myeloid leukemia.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:16:47] So here's the magic question that everybody wants to know. What did you do?

Frank McKinney: [00:16:52] Nine chapters in the book spell out the word adversity. Chapter A. First chapter, accept. The quicker -- I'm not going to give everything away. I'll give you little highlights. The quicker I move from denial, which is a wholly natural feeling, it's fine. You need to spend time in denial because the body, the mind isn't able to process what's happening to you in your adversity. The quicker you can move to acceptance, the better. I'll give you a couple chapters. I'm going to give you all nine. Once I was able to accept it, the reference I just made to my illness, I didn't speak those three words, the CML words the entire two years I had the disease. Why? D, disidentify from your adversity. I chose to give it no power. Dr. Richard, the things we renounce are the things we empower. The things we fight, the demons we fight are the things we give energy to. I chose, my doctors, I said no reports are going to say that diagnosis on them. In my meetings with my doctors every month, had to get my blood work done, you're not going to reference it. I accepted what I had, but I chose to give it, that adversity, no power through Disidentification. That chapter teaches you how to disidentify from the adversity. When you start to identify and absorb that into your being, that energy into your being, it may never leave. A, D, V. V, then we'll start with the V chapter. Violate fate. There are many well-intentioned people in your life when you're going through an adversity. My case would be my doctors. Someone else's case might be the lawyer that's helping them through their bankruptcy or their divorce. The last thing you want to do is take control of the steering wheel of your situation. You are so eager to take those controls and hand them over to somebody else, the experts, the doctors, the lawyers, the therapists, the best friend. Violate fate because sometimes the fate is being projected upon you from wellintentioned people, isn't the fate that is meant for you. Take control back of your life, of that steering wheel, and drive that rocket ship to the fate that you determine for yourself, which is one of the reasons, listen, my best friend died from the same disease only two weeks before I was diagnosed. And I think because I violated the -- when I say violated, I had a collaboration with my doctor. But there were certain things that I wasn't willing to turn over to them even when I was at my weakest moment. That's when we got to grab on to that steering wheel. Those are just three of the nine chapters.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:19:38] I want to take kind of a deeper dive into these three because this is interesting. I want to start with the D too, the disidentify, because what you said is really interesting and there's science that supports this. That language is so powerful, right, whether we speak it or whether we think it. And what our subconscious is going to process is the word. So if somebody is overweight and they say don't be fat, subconsciously, the don't be is going away. Your brain is going to take the word fat and it's going to roll with that. So I find it very interesting that you essentially said, look, I'm not saying there's three words and, you know, we never speak of the leukemia. Your doctors literally would write reports that didn't mention the words in it. I think that's fascinating because you're removing any environmental stimuli that are triggers for your brain to go boom, there's that thing. So that's really powerful. And I love that.

Frank McKinney: [00:20:45] So let me jump off on what you said about the doctor part. So my doctor was keen enough to understand that that's how my mind worked. You know, you are a doctor. I'm not indicting doctors. Yet, there are those who want to play God, and yet there are those who are put here to bring out what my doctor brought out in me. The collaboration he and I had was otherworldly. So when I chose to, you know, I accepted the fact that I had the diagnosis, Dr. Richard. But I would refer to it as an unwanted guest, an intruder, not something that -- I mean those three words are so ugly. The C, the Chronic, the myeloid. My skin stands up when I try to even say the words. And I chose to then not feed what you just referred to as the subconscious mind on the existence of what was going to be for me, a very temporary illness. I'm an ultramarathon runner. I've run races over 100 miles multiple times. The first day I walked out on A1A after I was diagnosed, it took me 33 minutes to go five blocks. But guess what? The next day it took me an hour to go a mile. And eventually I was up to, even though I was on chemo medication, it wasn't intravenous, I was actually taking pills, I was able to run 25 miles. Even though I had a wig on, and I had been holding that wig on, I was not going to empower the demon that has intruded into my body. And eventually and I'm not talking about spiritual demon, I'm talking about a diagnosis. Eventually it dissipated and it left me. And I think a lot of it has to do with all nine chapters. But that disidentification early on in your adversity is critical to putting it behind you quicker.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:22:42] How do you reconcile? Because on one hand, A is like, accept what's going on in your life and D is like, eliminate all signs of that going on in your life. So those are very discrepant, right? They're polar opposites. So how long, you know, based on your findings and what you did in writing this book, do we dwell on the acceptance zone before we start disidentifying?

Frank McKinney: [00:23:08] Okay. So first of all, when I'm in the acceptance zone, there's backsliding into denial for quite some time. It's not black and white. You are human. I'm human. We're going to do it. And honestly, there were times when, like, my blood work would have a hiccup and I might be all the way down to the T chapter, which stands for Time to Terminate. In other words, don't let time terminate your adversity. You call time to terminate. You take control of the date. Most of your adversities in your life, Dr. Richard and everybody listening, time passed, and they eventually terminate or you die. In my case, then it would have terminated. I chose to pick a date that it was terminated. There were times all the way up in those other eight chapters where there was a bit of backsliding. There was falling back into that moment of, wait a minute, my blood work hiccupped here. A little bit of denial. It's not a perfect science, but 95 percent of my time, I think it would be myopic and it would be a little bit of a disjointed. It would be mentally kind of ill if I said, okay, I don't have this. You know, you're not sick. No, I accepted the fact that I had something. There was an intruder in my body, but I am not going to mull on it every single day. I'm not going to because then what am I doing? I'm empowering it. I'm energizing the adversity. So forget the health thing. You're going through a divorce. And if that's all you talk about and think about and reference the D word every single day, guess what? Time will pass. You'll be divorced, but you'll hate men or women for the rest of your life because you identified with the process of the divorce. Rather than having that be a phase and adversity in your life that you put behind you proactively and you're ready for the next one. Now I know when the next adversity hits me, I can't stop it, but I guarantee you I'll get through it quicker and with less pain.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:25:11] I want to talk a little bit about the V, Violate Fate. And you talked about metaphorically grabbing the steering wheel and taking that control. But in practical purposes, how do we do that? Just a few examples.

Frank McKinney: [00:25:28] So in practical purposes, in that moment of your life when you're suffering from one of those four adversities, spiritual, financial, relational, or physical, the last thing you want to do, Dr. Richard, is take control. You are wanting to pull the covers up over your head, turn on the TV, and let somebody else deal with it. Like my doctor, that's what he's hired to do. He's going to deal with it. My lawyer, he's smarter than me. You've got to resist that temptation. I did not -- I'm wired in such a way where I could have said, screw you to my doctor, I'm following my own plan. I'm doing some holistic thing. I'm not taking chemo. We collaborated. He listened. I listened. I walked out of there in tears many times because he was right. But I was not going to allow some American Journal of Medicine or one of the JAMA, what's the acronym I'm looking for? Journal of American Medicine. Yeah. And then have the statistics say yeah there's a person who was diagnosed with your same disease, Frank, who got better in a month and there's a person who is diagnosed with your disease and never got better and there's a median in there somewhere. Well, listen, I'm going to do everything I can to come close to getting better in a month. And I thought it was going to take a month. Oh, you're going to take some pills? I'll be fine in a month. Well, it wasn't. I had to take these medication for two years. But I encourage you in that D chapter to not allow the projection of another's fate, their belief about your fate on your life. You can collaborate with somebody on that, grabbing that steering wheel, but don't turn it over, completely turn it over to somebody else. You know yourself. You know your adversity. And you're not going to get through it any quicker if you just abdicate what God gave you the gift to do in the first place, which is get through this.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:27:32] Love this.

Frank McKinney: [00:27:35] Collaboration. Collaboration, not dictation. I'm not going to let you dictate, and I'm foolish enough to be the one to dictate sometimes the outcome. I was smart enough to realize this man, the doctor, you know, he's seen it all. He was open minded enough to understand what made me tick. And I cried so many times in his office when there was a hiccup in the blood work. That man's collaboration with me saved my life, but we did that steering wheel thing together. I never handed it off to anybody.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:28:14] I'm going to screw up your acronym here, but I think you need a C in there somewhere for collaboration. But I love this, Frank. And we got six more letters that people can read about. So man, this was a lot of fun. As you know, I wrap up every episode by asking my guests one question. Frank, I'm going to ask it to you right now. What is your biggest helping, that one most important piece of information you'd like somebody to walk away with after hearing our conversation today?

Frank McKinney: [00:28:45] If I'd make it quick enough, can I give you two?

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:28:47] You sure can.

Frank McKinney: [00:28:49] Savor everything, cling to nothing. Savor everything, cling to nothing. It will help when you're going through your adversity. The other is, in life, you've got to learn to exercise your risk tolerance like a muscle. Eventually it will become stronger and able to withstand greater pressure. The feeling of fear is nothing more than the thought. We experience fear when we think about taking a risk. Once we take the risk, the fear goes away. And when we take that, we think about taking a risk, Dr. Richard, it's usually associated with a big change or a big challenge in life, physical, financial, spiritual, relational, dietary. Blah, blah, blah. I learned that if I'm not feeling afraid, every day of my life, I'm stagnating. I just don't let that fear stop me. I look at it and say, okay, you're afraid, Frank, because you're contemplating a big change or challenge. You're contemplating a risk in your life. Don't let the sensation of fear that sets in once you think about taking a risk, and it can be the risk associated with getting over your adversity, stop you. Feel the fear. And you referenced in the intro, I build houses on speculation, you know, for an average selling price of $14 million. I have no partners. Me, the bank and the IRS and my God, that's it. So I've come to -- I have little muscles for those of you who are looking at this, but my risk tolerance is extremely strong because I've exercised it on a daily basis.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:30:19] Beautifully said. And I'm glad you gave us both of them because they're both very, very important. Adversitology, Overcoming Adversity When You're Hanging on By a Thread is now available everywhere, but tell us where people can learn more about it online and go buy it.

Frank McKinney: [00:30:36] Here's what I would suggest that you do because you're not just going to buy it without test driving it. So go to There is a free chapter that you can read if you'd like to read. There's also a free audible chapter that you can listen to. I narrated the whole book. Actually, my wife narrated her parts, and my daughter narrated her parts because she didn't have time to talk about, Dr. Richard is loved ones in your life, when I'm going through my adversity, my goodness, how they suffer. So they actually help me write. Well, they appear in every alternating chapter. My wife is in chapter one, three, five and seven. My daughter, two, four, six and eight. So go to Read the sample chapter, listen to the sample audible chapter. You can buy it from us there. Every book you buy from us provides 100 meals in one of our orphanages in Haiti, which we really didn't get to talk about or buy it from Amazon. And after they take their cut, we're about 25 meals that we're able to provide.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:31:30] Before we wrap, Frank, I know that you are heavily involved, you refer to yourself as a philanthro capitalist and you built all these communities in Haitis. But I know that people can get involved in that and support that. So tell us a little bit about that work, the foundation, and let's roll from there.

Frank McKinney: [00:31:50] I encourage you to adopt the moniker that we made up, the Philanthro Capitalist. What is a Philanthro capitalist? It's taking the best of philanthropy, which is the heart, and it gets rid of the worst, in my opinion, which is charity. Charity exacerbates poverty. It does nothing to solve the problem. Taking the best of capitalism, money. Getting rid of the worst, greed. You marry the two together, you're a philanthro capitalist. We went to Haiti 20 years ago and applied this philanthro capitalistic approach to solving poverty in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere by building. A typical village has 50 houses, a community center, a school, a church, a clinic, renewable food, clean drinking water in some form of free enterprise so that the village can be selfsustaining. We don't go back to help you once we're done. We go on to the next village, and I've never had to come and bail a village out. So when I sell a book for $24.95, I make no money from my books, Dr. Richard. I made my money in real estate. None of the eight books that I've written have I made a dime from. That's how we fund our charity. So you can feel real good that when you buy a copy of Adversitology, it's going to help you overcome your adversity, but you're going to provide 100 meals in one of the orphanages and one of the villages that we've built in Haiti.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:33:11] Perfect. And for those who want to go above and beyond that, is there a website for your foundation where people can donate?

Frank McKinney: [00:33:18] If you're on the page, you'll see the header up there that talks about the Caring House Project Foundation. My bio is up there. My website's been called Disney on a desktop by PC Mac. I mean, there's so much to see. So when you're there, you can drop down and carry it. There's a map to show you all these, all 29 villages. We're on our 30th that we built. And yes, you can donate from a $4 and $0.75 cent chicken all the way up to an entire village for 300 grand and anywhere in between. So yeah, I mean we walk the talk. All of our financials are there. We're a 501C3. So go to, start at, read about the book, and then go up to the task bar and you can click on any other little Disney rides that you want to ride.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:34:07] Well, Frank, thank you so much for coming on The Daily Helping. I love talking to you. I love what you're doing. And I'd love to have you back sometime. This is a great conversation.

Frank McKinney: [00:34:16] Let's come back and finish the other chapters.

Dr. Richard Shuster: [00:34:18] Absolutely. And for each and every one of you who took time out of your day to listen to this, thank you as well. If you like what you heard, go give us a follow on Apple podcast and leave us a five-star review, because that is what helps other people find the show. But most importantly, go out there today and do something nice for somebody else, even if you don't know who they are and post it in your social media feeds using the hashtag #MyDailyHelping, because the happiest people are those that help others



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