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Ep. 26: Changing the World (One Dream at a Time) | with Kingsley Grant

the daily helping podcast Nov 26, 2017

Today our expert guest is Kingsley Grant, a motivational speaker, corporate trainer, licensed marriage and family therapist, career transition coach, online radio podcaster, and sherpa. He is also the President of Helping Families Improve, Inc., a company driven to improve communication within relationships, and the author of The Midlife Launch.

Kingsley is a self-described late bloomer, as he hints at in the title of his book. He came to the U.S. from Jamaica when he was young and, for many years, had little guidance – and he feels that the years he spent trying to fit in cost him dearly, financially and otherwise.

Eventually, Kingsley learned from his mistakes and wanted to make a change, but he had a lot of ground to cover after all of those “wasted years.” One of the biggest shifts he experienced, and most valuable lessons he learned, was the lesson of forgiveness. He didn’t want to travel through life carrying his pain anymore.

This experience led to writing the book 2 Steps To ForGIFTness: Learning How To Forgive When Your Mind Says Yes But Your Heart Says No.

Helping Others Follow Their Dreams & Be S.M.O.O.T.H.

Another challenge pushed Kingsley to make another major change. In 2008, shortly after quitting the job he had worked for 20 years, Kingsley had a heart attack and, ultimately, a quadruple bypass surgery.

Kingsley has learned not to let these challenging experiences hold him back – and he uses these experiences to inspire and encourage others in their life’s journey.

Kingsley’s passion is driven by a simple belief: “You have a life experience. You have learned something along the way … You have something that somebody is waiting for, and only you can deliver that.”

He helps people understand this using the S.M.O.O.T.H. Framework:

  • Script the right Story
  • Map the Mission
  • Obstacles to Overcome (real or perceived)
  • Open the Options
  • Trim the Time
  • Hole-in-one (i.e. cut out all of the unnecessary strokes)

Everyone has the potential to change the world, one dream at a time and one person at a time. “If I’m doing what I’m called to do and you’re doing what you’re called to do, collectively we can make a difference.”

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Pursue your dream. Don’t let the graveyard become richer because your dream was not lived out. Don’t live your life holding back that which is within you. The world is holding its breath waiting for you to bring your dream to it. Let’s go do it today!”

Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.




There is incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to create positive change in our lives (and the lives of others) while achieving our dreams.

This is the Power of You!