241. Bringing Opportunity (and Affordable Technology) to Africa with Dozy Mmobuosi

Jan 23, 2022

Today, our expert guest is Dozy Mmobuosi, author, entrepreneur, and founder of Tingo Mobile PLC, Africa’s first mobile device manufacturer and IOT (internet of things) business. He also founded Tingo Mobile UK, Tingo Mobile USA, Tingo Remit, and Tingo Airlines. His expertise cuts across technology banking, energy, and telecommunications. He has led Tingo’s growth to more than $600 million in annual revenue and holds a PhD in rural advancement from UPM Malaysia.

Dozy started thinking like a businessperson at the age of 16 when he began selling used clothes and Legos for extra money. In University, he became a show promoter, and that short time got him in touch with several multinational businesses. After being exposed to those companies, he knew that he wanted to start a business of his own.

After starting out in online publishing and building a social networking platform in Nigeria, Dozy saw a new opportunity coming. Wireless internet and cellphone service platforms were first coming to Nigeria and he knew that it was going to change everything. He jumped at the chance to be a part of it. He started off by selling ringtones, but that wasn’t meant to last forever. While working in that industry he noticed how expensive the cost of mobile phones were and he knew that there would be a massive market for cheap mobile phones there.

Part of Dozy’s motivation behind starting these companies was that, when he looked around, he saw that big companies outside of Nigeria were interested only in the big cities where people made a lot of money. But there were people all over the country who were being left behind because technology that could provide opportunities was out of reach.

After seeing so much success in business, Dozy recently launched the Dozy Mmobuosi Foundation to give back to the people of Africa that he owes so much to. He knows what it is like to go hungry and to not have access to resources in life, and so he strives in both his business work and his philanthropy to address those issues.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“When you are creating, create something that solves a problem. Let’s not just create for the sake of it. Let’s remember that there are billions of people, possibly, who need solutions, who have problems that need solving.”


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The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media


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