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215. Finding the Solution to Addiction with Dr. Robb Kelly

the daily helping podcast Jul 11, 2021

Today our expert guest is Dr. Robb Kelly, a renowned addiction consultant that believes in treating the problems and causes of addiction, not the symptoms. He’s worked for over 20 years to help addicts and alcoholics recover their lives from the disease of chemical dependence. He holds a PhD from The University of Oxford, and shares his personal, very powerful story of how addiction took hold of his life.

Dr. Robb has lectured on the subjects of addiction at high profile universities, national conferences, business organizations, hospitals, and more. He’s appeared on TV shows such as The Doctors and USA Today, and his no-nonsense, candid approach to addiction has earned him the nickname “the Gordon Ramsay of the addiction world.” 

Even if you aren’t battling addiction in your own life, statistically speaking, it will touch your life in some way, at some point. The more you can learn about how to deal with it, the better equipped you’ll be.

Robb started drinking at the age of nine. When he drank, his body and mind completely changed and he stopped thinking like other people. After university, he became intrigued by why he couldn’t bring himself to quit drinking. Alcohol cost him everything: his wife left him, he was evicted, he lost contact with his children, and he ended up living on the streets for 14 months. In his darkest moment, he asked God for help, and he immediately ran into a man seeking to help. That was the start of his recovery process.

There’s a reason the traditional methods of treating alcoholism haven’t worked: they were developed at a time when people didn’t understand what alcoholism was. Everyone thinks that an alcoholic relapses once he picks up a drink, but that’s not true. It’s something that happens a week or two earlier, when his body and attitude starts to alter.

What Dr. Robb discovered about addiction changed everything. It revolves around how the brain reacts to trauma. The hypothalamus of an alcoholic tells them to drink alcohol and the only way to change that is to look at the neural pathways in order to rewrite our subconscious, core beliefs.

This constitutes Dr. Robb’s program:

  • Change the neural pathways
  • Store good thoughts in the subconscious brain
  • Change your behavior
  • Be nice to people
  • Do the right thing every day and don’t be selfish

When you run all of these together in the right way, it becomes impossible to drink. You can push on and move through this.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“If you’re sat at home, guys, and you don’t think you’re worthy, and you don’t think you’re good enough, and you don’t think you’re going to get out of depression, I want to apologize to you. Somebody put that there. We are born with million dollar minds. Stop hanging around two cent minds. Get with your clique that push you forward. If people are not pushing you forward, and applauding, and backing you up when you want to go further, they’re not your crew. Find your own crew, guys.”

Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media


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