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Ep. 192: Remaining UP During Down Times | with Mitzi Perdue

the daily helping podcast Jan 31, 2021

Today our expert guest, Mitzi Perdue, joins us for the second part of her interview. Mitzi is a science and health writer, businesswoman, author, and master storyteller. She holds degrees from Harvard and George Washington University, is a past president of the 35,000-member American Agri-Women group, and was one of the US delegates to the United Nations Conference on women in Nairobi. Her passion and mission is to combat human trafficking.

In the first part of her interview, Mitzi shared the stories of her father and how he built an incredibly successful business during a period of, at the time, unparalleled financial upheaval and uncertainty. Today, we’re nearly a year into the coronavirus epidemic, and Mitzi published a book with Mark Victor Hansen called “How to be UP in Down Times.” It includes 40 tips to help people help themselves, and they are all both uplifting and scientifically accurate.

We won’t be able to outline all 40 tips here, but these are some of Mitzi’s favorites:

  • One of the most important things you can do when you’re under stress is giving yourself an hour to do something that is giving respite. That can be a movie, a game, a challenging puzzle, anything that gives your mind a break from the worries.
  • Avoid negativity and news. Give yourself a hard limit of 15 minutes of news, just to make sure you’re staying informed, but news is inherently biased towards fear and violence. Similarly, anyone on social media that is constantly spreading fear and negativity, you can unfollow them or at least limit your interaction with them. Focus on good and good will come.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Something that’s transformed my father’s life, my mother’s life, my late husband’s life, and my life: I recommend going back to the basics of Dale Carnegie’s ‘How to Win Friends & Influence People.’ Read it, read even a chapter of it, and it will be so enlightening, if you haven’t read it already, that you’ll want to read the rest.”

Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Play to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media


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