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Ep. 172: Find Your Voice & Start Your Personal Brand | with Jeremy Segal

the daily helping podcast Sep 13, 2020

Today our expert guest is Jeremy Segal, the host of one of the top influencer podcasts in the world, Why Influence, where he interviews the world’s most influential people to share their hidden knowledge and wisdom. You wouldn’t guess it from this episode, but Jeremy used to struggle to share in groups and online and had a difficult time connecting with people. But this inspired him to create his podcast and become an influencer himself.

It all started with giving himself permission to put himself out there and take risks. He had always wanted to be an entrepreneur, so he chose his college degrees to help him on that path. After landing a CFO position at the age of 25, he gave himself permission to be an entrepreneur. The second time was when he gave himself permission to have a voice and help people overcome the barriers they were facing in their business.

Jeremy has plenty of experience building brands, but he would always edit himself out of clips. He didn’t want to be in the front stage. But once that brand had been sold and moved on, he had to start from scratch. By building a personal brand, he’d be able to carry that with him for his whole life.

If you haven’t started out building your own personal brand, here’s where you can start:

  • Find your Why. Why are you trying to start a business? What kind of impact do you want to have? Why do you want to share? If you can discover a Why, even if you want to change it later, you can find the power to push through roadblocks.
  • Choose the platform that’s right for you. What kind of people are you trying to impact and why? Who do you want to connect with? By answering these questions, you can probably find the right platform for you. And just start with the one that your audience will be using.

The biggest pitfall when it comes to starting a personal brand is not starting soon enough. Nobody who’s started this work looks back and doesn’t wish they had started earlier. You can make an impact in so many lives with the knowledge you have inside of yourself, so don’t hold back and keep it to yourself. Share that knowledge with the world.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Your voice matters. You’ve got hidden wisdom inside you that other people need to hear. Just start sharing that with people and seeing that that has value, and once you start seeing that it has value just think about how many people are out there that don’t have that or aren’t hearing that. It’s really important to find something that helps people and makes and impact and start sharing it.”

Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Play to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media


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