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Ep. 154. Living Life in Awe, Pt. 2 | with John O’Leary

the daily helping podcast May 10, 2020

Today we continue our conversation with expert guest John O’Leary. As a reminder, he is an international best-selling author and host of the top-10 podcast Live Inspired. John helps people live amazing, inspired lives, and what he has to say is so timely during this period of time. There is so much pain, fear, and uncertainty in the world right now, but with John’s help, we’ll be better able to work through those feelings.

Last week we touched on three of the five senses we have as children but lose as adults, as explained in John’s book, In Awe. Those three are wonder, expectancy, and immersion. The final two senses are:

  • Belonging: Kids say things that are seemingly inappropriate, but they will connect authentically afterward. They cut through the arbitrary things that divide us and remind us that we are one.
  • Freedom: If you don’t feel like you are enough, and you don’t feel like you are worthy, then you’re not free to give back to the world the gifts that you’ve been given.


As little ones, most of us have perfect eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell — but as we age, we begin to lose those senses. We also lose the senses of wonder, expectancy, immersion, belonging, and freedom. And although we can’t stop the toll of time on our physical sense, we don’t have to lose any of these other senses — we can return to each and every one of them. In Awe is not only a reminder of what it felt like to have those senses but a blueprint for returning to them.

In the time we are facing now, don’t refuse the lessons you are being taught. This too shall pass. We’re all enduring this storm, every country in the world. As the world begins to return to normal, don’t allow the lessons that we have learned to disappear as well.


The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“The coronavirus will shake us, it will scare us. It might erase some of our life savings, and it might change what some of us do professionally. But it can also wake us up to see life as this interconnected piece that we all move through life as one. Enter into your day with a sense of awe.”



Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Play to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.




The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media



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