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Ep. 121: Finding Your Maximum Potential | with Cathy Christen

the daily helping podcast Sep 22, 2019

Today our expert guest is Cathy Christen, serial entrepreneur, keynote speaker and facilitator, as well as a best selling author, dedicated to helping others live a life they love. She brings profound awareness to the extraordinary possibilities within everyone she meets, and provides businesses and personal coaching tools to help individuals and organizations elevate to their highest potential. She really just helps people to live a life they love.

Cathy grew up in a low-income family, but at a young age she noticed that her dad was always so happy, and her mom wasn’t quite as happy, but she didn’t really understand why at first.

Her dad loved giving and serving others. He asked Cathy regularly about what wanted to do with her life and who she wanted to be. In her college years, she realized that her mom had all these talents and goals that she never got a chance to pursue, but her father was a simple man and he just wanted to get married and have kids, so he was already living his fullest life.

Being aligned and knowing what you want for your life, and living that out, makes all the difference.

In college, Cathy was talking with a counselor who asked her what her dream title was. She said “I want to be a maximum potential finder.” Her counselor may have laughed it off, but she gets so much joy from seeing the possibilities in others and sharing that with them.

So many people don’t see the potential right in front of them, because they didn’t grow up thinking possibilities were an option. They just had to get by with what they have. And even if you were striving for something more, it showed that you were not appreciative of what you have in life.

How do you reconcile that conflict? First, you have to be aware of your motive for wanting more. Wanting more allows you to give more, so if your desire for more is to be able to give more, you shouldn’t feel bad about that. And realize that you can’t help others if you aren’t helping yourself first.

Cathy has been coaching people in business for 17 years, and she realized how much just that training has helped people to step into their potential. While she worked in sales and entrepreneurship, she felt like she was a life coach. It was this revelation that led to her writing her best-selling book, Life as a Masterpiece: Design and Live a Life You Love Today.

Whatever you’re doing, you have a vehicle to get where you want. Where you are now is not your destination, it is a vehicle. You just have to identify where you’re going to go.

What are the steps you can take to start moving from identifying your destination to getting the engine going?

  • You have to have a master plan
  • Break the goal down into bite-sized pieces
  • Pick what you’re going to focus on in what order

When you break things down into manageable pieces, you see how what looked like an insurmountable challenge becomes entirely possible. When you see it like that, you realize you can do this.

The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway

“Take time to identify what you want. And know that you can create anything that you want. So don’t feel stuck. Know that anything is possible. I think if you hold on to that and really know that you can create, you can design, amazing things can happen.”

Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Play to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.


The Daily Helping is produced by Crate Media



There is incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to create positive change in our lives (and the lives of others) while achieving our dreams.

This is the Power of You!