397. "Unlock life’s highest truths" | Spiritual Awakening and Energy Healing with Eva Müller
Jan 20, 2025
Eva Müller, a spiritual teacher and energy healer, has transformed countless lives with her unique approach to unlocking personal potential. Her work combines high vibrational divine energy transmissions with profound insights into consciousness, guiding people toward their true nature. Known for her ability to simplify complex spiritual ideas, Eva has become a trusted guide for those seeking to heal and grow.
Eva’s spiritual journey began with a deep longing for fulfillment. Despite academic and career achievements, she felt incomplete until discovering meditation. This transformative practice revealed profound states of silence and freedom, inspiring her to explore energy healing and consciousness. Over time, Eva developed her ability to clear emotional blockages and raise vibrations, helping others find clarity and joy.
Through her work, Eva empowers individuals to release limiting beliefs and embrace their highest truths. Her methods offer a blend of ancient wisdom and modern spirituality, creating pathways to joy, intuition, and authenticity. Her work serves as an invitation to embrace life’s possibilities with openness and surrender.
The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway
Have openness. There are other possibilities out there you might not have known about yet. Look into them and give them a try. We experience very intense times on Earth and collectively and individually. And we have these tools now available, and they are helping us. It is such a great opportunity if you’re open to it.
Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.
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Produced by NOVA
Eva Müller:
Where's the information coming from? Is it coming from the mind? Is it coming from your intuition, which is from the true nature? Or is it coming from like one of these old stuck energy patterns? So, this understanding also comes in more and more so that we can distinguish where it's actually coming from.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Hello and welcome to the Daily Helping with Dr. Richard Shuster. Food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, tools to win at life. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, and whatever you do, this is the show that is going to help you become the best version of yourself. Each episode, you will hear from some of the most amazing, talented, and successful people on the planet who followed their passions and strive to help others. Join our movement to get a million people each day to commit acts of kindness for others. Together, we're going to make the world a better place. Are you ready? Because it's time for your Daily Helping.
Thanks for tuning into this episode of the Daily Helping Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Richard, and our guest today is awesome. Her name is Eva Müller, and she is a renowned spiritual teacher and energy healer who has worked with thousands of people all over the world after undergoing her own spiritual awakening through various levels of consciousness and healing her human system. We're going to talk about that.
She now guides people on their path of spiritual awakening. She's a channel for high vibrational divine healing energies that she transmits, pulling people towards their highest truth, helping to unlock their true potential and connecting them to their true nature. Eva is known for her ability to convey complex spiritual concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. She is everywhere. She's literally been on some of the largest platforms in the world, and now she is here with us today. Eva Müller, welcome to the Daily Helping. It is awesome to have you with us today.
Eva Müller:
Hello, Dr. Richard. Thank you so much for having me on your show. I'm very excited. Thank you.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
As am I. This kind of episodes are really fun for me. We talked a little bit before we started recording. I'm a Western-trained neuropsychology guy. And we're talking about something that's so different and so interesting, yet so timely. So, I want to jump into your story. I want to go into the Eva Müller time machine. I read in your bio that line that you had your own spiritual awakening. So, I want to dive into that. So, let's talk about what puts you on the path you're on today.
Eva Müller:
Yeah. Yeah, great question. So, throughout my whole life, I had a good life. So, life was unfolding in a really nice way, but I was always looking for something. So, yearning for more, for fulfillment, for experiencing more joy in my life, more love, and also for my life purpose. I was kind of looking for that. And I thought, "Okay, when I finished school," so when I was younger, "Okay, when I finished high school," and I have my high school degree, "I will have this fulfillment coming in for me in my experience." But it didn't happen.
Then I decided, "Okay, I probably have to study something major to have a good degree afterwards." So, I studied law. And I thought, "Okay, when I'm done with university, I will have this fulfillment and this purpose of life." But it didn't happen. And so, I was basically looking in different areas. Then, afterwards, in work. So, I was working in real estate, first real estate development. And then, I was a realtor after that, self-employed. And yeah. And then I was looking in other areas as well, like sports, body toning, relationships, you know, just in different areas, traveling, and I could never find it.
And this, basically, then I found out, okay, in this 3D reality, I'm not going to find what I was looking for. And I was interested in personal development and reading books. And basically, I read one book and it shared, okay, we have to transform our inner world to have this life experience we want on the outside. And this is how I found meditation. And I got an online 10 guided meditation online program at that time. And I did this meditation. I had a very profound experience with one of these meditations. And this is basically how this whole interest started.
So, I did this meditation, and I fell into a very, very deep space where I didn't have an experience of anything. There was just silence. The whole story of who am I, and all my life problems, and all I was yearning for and everything was just gone. So, it was like, there was totally emptiness, totally silence. It was just pure freedom. And I enjoyed it so, so much. And I actually didn't really want to come back because when you come back, there's all this stuff again. I call it just the human story, the identification with everything. And in that space, all was gone. And it was really, really beautiful.
And yeah. And a friend of mine who was a very dedicated meditator at that time already, he pointed me to a meditation group and he's like, "Hey, join this meditation group." It was online on Zoom. So, it was very convenient. They meet twice a week and just start meditating and see what happens. And this is how this whole journey started. So, yeah.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, a quick question before I move on. What was the book you read?
Eva Müller:
I don't remember which one it was. I don't remember which one it was. I was reading various books, various spiritual books. Yeah. But, like, a good one was Eckhart Tolle, like Living in the Now. I mean, he's talking about that. That was a really, really good one. I really liked that one.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
There are many that will definitely put Eckhart Tolle on the Mount Rushmore of personal development. So,what I find interesting, and meditation has come up on this show many, many times over the years but, a lot of times, meditation is talked about from quieting voices or there's physiological benefits for meditation. We know that meditation has restorative effects for the body. It's good for your brain. Like these are scientifically proven things.
But the things that I know you do now, only because we've spoken about them before, so we're going to get into it, but you're not talking about meditation. So, your meditation opened up a part of you and you're doing very different things than most people that just teach meditation. So, talk to us about what happened next and kind of connect that bridge for us because I think that's important.
Eva Müller:
Yeah. So, the guy who led the meditation group was transmitting spiritual energy. And like you said, it wasn't just normal meditation, it was basically sitting in this energy for an hour, although it was sitting in silence. And what this energy was doing, it was working on my system and opening up my system. So, when I talk about the system, it's the body and the energy field. So, just opening them up to feel energies, because at that time, I couldn't feel energies at all. So, it took about three months sitting silent, in silence, until I started feeling energies.
And being in this group, I learned about levels of consciousness, so that we, as humans, can experience various levels of consciousness, we can go through them in one lifetime. And this was basically the purpose of this group. And I didn't know anything about that before. But I was like… you know, I had this energy in my system. Okay, I need to look for the fulfillment, and this is where I thought that I'm going to find it. So, this was like the right energy there. So, I was very motivated. I meditated a lot with this spiritual energy and going through various levels of consciousness. I'm just going to name them really quickly. So, self-realization, unity consciousness, and Brahmin consciousness. So, these are the main ones. And energy transmission started to come in for me as well, which I can transmit to people.
And how do I do it? I just call the energy in. And I mean, you sit in Atlanta and I sit here in Austria, but working with energies, they work on a level where there is no time and space. So, when I transmit it to you, you can totally experience it there. It's like we are in the same space. And yeah. And this is how it works. So, this is how I call in the energy.
And the energy that I'm working with, I call it the energy of the highest truth, because it pulls you towards your personal highest truth. So, it transforms your system on a cellular level towards your personal highest truth. So, every cell has, like, also an energy field and there is information. So, the transmission that comes in is pure light, and light is just higher information, information the mind doesn't understand. So, it's beyond the mind. It's on an experiential level. We can experience it. So, it comes in and pulls you towards your personal highest truth. And that means part of it is healing and clearing your human system.
And what does it exactly mean is like, stuck energies. So, energies, emotions, we've experienced through all our lifetimes, and that we haven't processed, and that are still in our system, they need to be removed. So, this is… Yeah.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
This is fun. We're meandering a little bit into Neil Degrassi Tyson's world with quantum science. But you've also talked about a couple things that, here in the West, we have been researching in the past decades. Acupuncture is a great example where for thousands of years, the whole purpose of acupuncture is to clear energy imbalances in the body through what is known as chi. And so, we, really smart hoity-toity scientists, in the West for decades, have thought that that's woo-woo idiocy. Although now, we're starting to realize that what modalities like acupuncture can do actually have benefit, to the point where there are now insurance providers that will pay for acupuncture, which is crazy, right? That would have not been the case 20 or 30 years ago.
So, if you're listening to this, and you're thinking, "Okay, we're going off the deep end here," hang with us, because there is science in what she's talking about. And I know for many people, the concept of, kind of, breaking down science and spirituality, a lot of times in society kind of forces us to do it, we put these things into different boxes. But that's not necessarily true. I've heard it said, and I don't know who said it, that spirituality is just science that hasn't been explained yet. And so, I've always kind of kept an open mind around that.
So, anyway, but you've talked about the human system, I mentioned it in your bio, when I was reading, you just gave us a tease. Talk to us more about the human system and how the energy work you do impacts it.
Eva Müller:
And so, working with people on one on one settings for quite some time and transmitting this spiritual energy opened up the possibility to see energies and see people's energy fields and to see stuck energies in their system. So, the stuck energies are the ones that got stuck throughout the whole lifetime, right? So, for example, anger, depression, annoyance, fear, you name it. So, they're all stuck somewhere in the body and there is a story on top. So, there's a story why anger got stuck. There is a story why… so, a dramatic experience, for example, might not even have been totally dramatic.
But the thing is the system works in the most optimal way that we experience emotion in the present moment. So, we experience them. And when the experience is over, they fully leave the system. So, the energy, the emotions are fully leaving the system. But from the age of around three years old, this mechanism changes, so that energies get stuck. So, we basically pile up all sorts of energies in our system throughout our lifetimes. And I can just remove them.
So, I work on that level of emotions. I see the emotions in the system, and I can just remove them with intention. Yeah. And it's very simple for me. Like, I don't need to talk to you about anything. I don't need to know the story or anything like that. I just look into your energy field. Like, I always see what I need to clear now. So, what's the most important thing that needs to be addressed at the moment, okay? And I see this, and I can just clear it.
And because you said, "Okay, it's spirituality and it hasn't really been proved by science yet or not explored yet," this is why we can experience it. For example, one of my guided meditations or my healing sessions, how do you feel afterwards? Do you feel lighter? Do you feel more expanded? Do you feel more joy? Like, how do you feel afterwards? So, how do you feel after the acupuncture session, right? So, the body probably feels a lot more relaxed and you feel like, I don't know, just more well-being. And this is what the energy work is doing. It's like, okay, maybe you don't understand it on the intellectual level what's exactly happening in your system, but you can feel it. So, you can feel it in the session and you can also feel it afterwards.
And for example, energy is what I'm talking about. It's also like patterns. So, patterns, you just always jump onto throughout your lifetime. Like limiting beliefs or limiting energies in your system. Like "I can't do this because of that. I'm not good enough. I'm not lovable." So, they're always all limiting energies. And they basically make you act in a certain way. And when we remove them, it's basically just a neutral space. It's an empty space. And in that empty space, I fill up the space always with this high vibration or divine light. So, this is why people are raising their vibration.
And that means they have more decision space because, before, you don't really have that decision space because you jump on these energy patterns. So, I always talk about it like as a train. So, you have a train and the train track. And when you jump on one of these energy patterns, you can only go where the train goes. Like there is no decision space. But when this energy, when the train is gone and you have a car, you can go wherever you want.
And this just gives you back your decision space and also more access to your intuition and knowing, "Okay, what's right for me in the present moment?" and also understanding where's the information coming from? Is it coming from the mind? Is it coming from your intuition, which is from the true nature? Or is it coming from like one of these old stuck energy patterns? So, this understanding also comes in more and more so that we can distinguish where this is actually coming from.
Eva, this is really cool. You're describing something that the United States Army actually started studying in the 1950s through a guy named Jose Silva. He was famed for the Silva Method of mind control. And what he discovered was really - I don't know that he discovered it but he certainly pioneered it scientifically - was that our bodies and, in particular, our brains, they vibrate at particular frequencies. And so, there is a different… and this is measurable. So, you know, in the 1950s, we were able to measure what brain states are associated with different states of being. That is being intently focused has a different vibrational frequency than being in a prayerful state, which has a different vibrational frequency than when we're relaxing or when we're stressed, right? All of these very different things. So, again, I'm loving it. It's almost like a challenge if not a game for me to kind of connect to the scientific dots here. But I love everything that you're talking about.
Eva Müller:
I just want to add something to that. And thank you for sharing. That's very interesting. I didn't know that. What you described is with the system you're having at the moment, so in the vibration you're in, you can change your experience. So, basically looking through a lens of vibration. So, if you look through the lens of love or of joy or whatever, life experience is perceived in that kind of way as well, versus fear and all of that.
But I'm changing the frequency of the system. Meaning that eventually there is no fear. You can't experience fear. You can't experience anger. You can't experience hate. So, these energies, they're just gone. It's not possible to experience anymore because the vibration of the system is so high that you can't even tap into these energies anymore. So that's just the difference. The vibration is being raised, but not just in the present moment, like what you experience in the present moment, that you're like you're full of joy in the present moment, you have a joyful experience, but in general, that the whole system is being raised up.
And this comes through my work. The information that this is like the new thing at this time or the new possibility that we can change our human system in a way that we can have a different life experience but from the inside out. Like it's not… the inside is where life is happening. The outside is just a projection into our own consciousness. And we're trying to fix things on the outside, in the consciousness, but we can basically work on it on the inside. So yeah.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Yeah. So, I have a question for you. This is obviously something you're gifted at that you were probably innately built to do or taught yourself how to do. I can't help but think about another really well-studied guy who was born in the 1890s, Edgar Cayce, right? The American prophet. Scientists spent thousands of hours studying him and his techniques but he was able to do it. He just was born that way, basically, or maybe he, maybe he fell off a truck and hit his head or something. But basically, since he was a kid, he could do what he could do. What you're talking about doing, is this something that's anybody listening to this can teach themselves how to do for themselves?
Eva Müller:
It unfolded over time through going through this spiritual path. So, it's possible that this is going to be something that can unfold for people but it's not something I can teach anybody to do. It's just coming in. The information is coming in through the transmission. I can read the transmission and the transmission is teaching me that. So, I didn't, like, learn anything what I'm talking about from books or anything. It's just from experience and the transmission sharing this information with me because I can read it. I can read the information, the transmission. I have this information.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
But the bottom line is... and again, you've done this for thousands of people successfully. So, what this is sounding, like, I had a professor who I'm going to give a shout out to. Her name was Dr. Jolyn Mikow. She was one of my favorite professors of all time. And when she was teaching us about therapy, she just said, essentially, grab the guts and the head will follow, right? That the person doesn't really need to understand what they're doing. If she was talking about cognitive behavior therapy, to use that to change one's worldview. But what I'm hearing from you is for somebody who goes through this with you doesn't really need to understand what you're doing. You just go in and you connect to the energy field, and remove blocks, and let things flow the way that they're meant to flow for the person's opJolyn Mikowtimal good. Is that in a nutshell what we're talking about?
Eva Müller:
Yeah, yeah, exactly. You summed it up perfectly. And also, like, the more you do this kind of work, the more you feel what I'm doing. And then, like, people, they start being so perceptive. So, the nervous system is changing over time, so that they can also feel the nuances of the transmission. For example, the different nuances coming in, the different information coming in. So, it's happening for them as well over time. Just everybody's different. Everybody's system is different and everybody's life purpose is different. So, the transmission is pulling you towards your personal life purpose or is opening that up for you.
I see this, there is, like, the potential. So, everybody has a certain amount of potential or a potential around us. And it's always there. Like, abundance is always there. It's just blocked by our limitations. The limitations we learn throughout our lifetimes and all the stuck energies we have in our system. And by clearing and healing the human system, this will be accessible. So, you have access to your highest potential. And it really… I don't know, depending on everybody's individual system, what that's going to be. So, I don't know. But the transmission is helping people to see their potential in the present moment. So, whatever you need in the present moment, that's opening up.
And also their gifts, if they have any, for example or for some people, it's going to be spiritual awakening. For some people, it's going to be running a very successful business or, I don't know, doing a university degree or having an amazing family. It's really depending on everybody's life purpose from a soul level. Like, we have to have certain experiences we have to go through because of our soul contracts that we come here with and also have certain learnings. So, it's very individual.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
I certainly can't speak to any scientific data behind soul contracts. But purpose and fulfillment is something we talk about frequently on this show. I mean, the whole idea, the mission of this show is to get a million people every day to commit acts of kindness and raise themselves up. If everybody's doing kind things for other people, everybody's feeling good. Everybody's doing the purpose. The world is a better place. I mean, that's really the spirit of what The Daily Helping was founded on when I started it seven years ago.
Eva Müller:
That's beautiful.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So the question then, because I've had specific episodes about purpose, a lot of times, people are at a crossroads or people flat out, they're in a job, they went to school because their parents told them to go to school. And, you know, I'm an accountant, so you should be an accountant, that sort of thing. And they're comfortable, but they're stuck, right? Like maybe they're making a good income. They've kind of met the societal or the familial expectations that were placed upon them. But they're supposed to be doing something else or maybe there's a part of them that thinks they're supposed to be doing something else. Does the work that you do, does that actually… will that make a little light bulb go off over their head and say, "Oh, you should not be an accountant. You should be doing X," right? Is it that simple? Is that what we're talking about?
Eva Müller:
Yeah. I mean, it's a process. And what I shared before is first healing and clearing need to happen. So, the reason why a person is, for example, doing a certain job, you know, information around that will come up, okay. I want to be a good son or a good daughter or a good person in general, or I have to earn good money to be somebody or have to be somebody. So, there's like all this information will come up why this person is doing this kind of job. And then, the person will know, "Okay, I get it. I'm not doing it because I feel like I'm doing it from my heart, but because of these energy structures in my system." And then, seeing them and then they get cleared. And like I said before, then there is more space, decision space. And then, when there is more decision space, also, the potential can come in more because it's already there all the time anyways. So, we see what is actually my potential.
Life itself is just there to be experienced. So this is like on the core level what life is all about. There is no right or wrong. Life is all about experiencing life. But of course, the human wants to have certain experiences. And there is a difference between, does the ego want to experience certain things or want to have a certain job or is it… I just call it the true nature. Is it coming from that perspective? And my work helps to also show the person what the ego is, so the person understands that. And also what the true nature is, so that people can come more from this point of view.
And this is a whole process. It's not something that happens overnight. But it's like little parts fall away every day. You know, little recognitions I'm having every week, and then they can move forward. And then, they can find something that's more in alignment with their life where they feel comfortable, where they feel the joy, where they feel that's something I want to do.
And this is actually what I was looking for as well when I started or before the spiritual journey. When I was looking for this fulfillment, I always was looking in a job or like studying when I'm done with university, when I have this or that job. And I thought, I want to have that my life purpose is also my job. This was just my understanding. And it's actually happening right now. But how it unfolded, it's like I could have never imagined.
So, it's also about, like, being open to how it's unfolding and surrendering. So, surrender is very important. Life is presenting you in the present moment, exactly what you need to experience to learn, and to understand, and to grow. So, it's not about like not wanting this but embracing this, being open to what life is presenting in the present moment and moving on from there.
So, it has to do a lot with surrender, which is not so easy. But the energy transmission helps with surrender. It just helps the possibility to surrender to what is, to have this understanding, to have this opening. And this is why the transmission is just really amazing because it helps this whole process. It's carrying you through this whole process. It's, like, not your effort. You just have to show up and, like, understand. But the transmission is helping, yeah. So, it happened. It was the same for me when I was in this journey. I still am, of course, but yeah.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Amazing. You've done a really good job describing what all of this is. And I'm curious, can you walk us through kind of a mini session and see what this is like. And by the way, if you're in a car, don't do this. But if you're at home listening on your phone, that's cool. So safety disclaimer out of the way. But let's do something, Eva, here. This is cool.
Eva Müller:
Yeah, amazing, amazing. Thank you. I would love to share how I'm doing this kind of work. And for the listeners and also for you, Dr. Richard, just close your eyes, sit back, relax and meditate along. And if you're in a car, just continue driving. So, it's totally fine. Like you can totally listen to it while driving or doing something else as well. And what I do is I bring in the transmission, what I'm talking about, the transmission of the highest truth. And then, I guide you through a small meditation, a guided meditation for a few minutes. And yeah, what I can just say is enjoy. So, in the beginning, I need, like, about 30 seconds to call the energy in and to prepare the session, and then I start talking.
Okay, I start opening up the energy field and bring in light. So, the light I'm working with is high vibrational divine light. And I bring this into your body, also into your energy bodies. So, energy bodies are the bodies around your physical body and also in the area around you. So, I'm opening up your energy field more, bringing more light. Then, I expand the energy field. So, the energy field can always be more expanded. It's a never-ending process. And, basically, when the energy field is more expanded, more light can enter or could be present in your system.
And light is higher information. So, higher information can be present. And that information is working on your system on a cellular level and transforming your system towards your personal highest truth. And it's doing that all the time. So, every time you connect it, basically. So, I'm expanding and I fill up the expanded space now with more light.
And then, I fill surface energies. So, surface energies are all sorts of energies you've been exposed to over the past one or two days and also emotions that are floating around the top of your system. So, emotions that have been triggered up that haven't been processed fully. So, an optimum system would work that we have an experience in the present moment, so we have an emotion, it doesn't really matter which one it is, joy, annoyance, anger, it doesn't really matter.
And when the experience is over, then this emotion is fully leaving the system. It doesn't stay. So, you're not staying angry for the rest of your day because the experience is already over. So, you're only angry in the experience, for example. I don't know. Because your friend ate the last cookie and you wanted to have it, so you're angry. And then, you're just angry in that moment, but then the anger is fully leaving the system. Like it's totally gone. It's like you can't even tap back into that anymore. This is how the system works in the most optimal way.
But, usually, how it works is like when this experience happened two weeks ago and you think back, okay, you just think back, you trigger this emotion again and then you're angry in the present moment, even though that experience happened two weeks ago. And then, there are thoughts and then you think about, "Oh my God, I'm so angry at my friend. My friend ate the last, let's say, Christmas cookie, but I wanted to have it," and I said, "Please share it." And so, there's just a story forming. It's like the mind is… the story is forming. And then, also the energy in the body, the anger just gets expanded and expanded. And we can stay in that for as long as we want basically. So, it's our creation.
And those energies, I'm clearing right now because we don't need them. And also, when I'm talking about clearing stuck energies, then I would clear the anger that got stuck two weeks ago, and I just clear it. And when you think back to that experience on a mental level, there is no anger rising. It's just gone. It's just a memory. Like when you watch a movie, it's like there's no emotions in the movie, you just see the images, and this is how it would be.
Okay. And right now, I'm clearing surface energies. And the surface energies, they are the ones that are creating noise. So, when you feel like, 'Oh, there is so much going on and I don't feel silence." So, silence is what our true nature is. It's silence in our system. So, there is no experience at all. It's just silence. And all these surface energies are in front of the silence. So, this is why we experience them over the silence.
Okay. Clearing more of the surface energies. And then, I open up the central energy channel. The central energy channel is where life energy flows through our system. So, life energy flows from the root to the crown chakra, falls back down left and right in all directions, and flows up again, and so on. So, it's a constant flow. And the more open our system is and the more we do healing and clearing work, it doesn't really matter in what kind of way we do it but we can do it through my transmission for example. And it's happening right now, more life energy can flow.
What does it exactly mean for your life experience? The more life energy flows, the more life is experienced is just the unfolding of experiences in the present moment. So, it's just a flow. So, you probably had that experience, right? You just go through your day, everything is unfolding more effortlessly, more joyful. When there is a problem or an obstacle, you just recognize it. And at the same time, the information is coming in how you can overcome it. So, it's very easy. Everything gets a lot easier and simpler and more enjoyable. And this is what we want.
So, I'm accelerating the life energy. And life energy is life itself. So, life is flowing through our system. We experience it with all our emotions, senses, thoughts, in the present moment. And then, when the experience is over, optimally, it's fully leaving the system. And everything we experience on the outside is just a reflection of life energy in our own consciousness. And we all have a very unique experience. So, nobody's life experience is the same. It's not possible. They're all very individual and very unique.
Okay. So, there is… right now the energy of relaxation coming in, so that you can relax more. And by relaxing more, more light can enter. So, more relaxation is coming in. And then, I give a few energies out of the heart chakra because it's coming up. A few limitations. So, a few core energies like, "I can't do this." The heart chakra is always identification. This is where I'm shown when you identify with certain energies because life itself is always neutral, and then we experience it, and then it depends on are we identifying with what's happening or not.
And when we're identifying and energies are getting stuck, I see the heart chakra. So, I clear core energies like "I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this." It seems too much. It seems too much. It seems too much. It's a too big of an obstacle to overcome. I can't overcome it. I can't overcome it. I don't have the ability and the understanding and the information of doing that. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't." So. I clear those limitations.
Then, in general, I clear the energy of worries. Just worries. Worries. Worries about the future. Worries about… it manifests differently for everybody? So, for some people, it's going to be health. For some people, it's job. For some people, it's what's happening around us. So, just clear worries. Also, clear worries out of the mind level. So, thoughts, worrying thoughts. Thoughts are just energy, that's it. It's just energy stuck on the mind level and it's creating stories.
So, there are two kinds of thoughts. There are the personal thoughts, the ones that you are actively thinking. And there are the ones that are random. You know, those stories that are there all the time, this mind chatter. And we don't need them. So, eventually, we can totally live without thoughts. It's totally possible. I'm just clearing these random thoughts.
And then, again, there is, right away, more space in the system. A lot more light can enter. And I fill up the heart chakra with love, with unconditional love. This is what our system needs the most. So, fill up the heart chakra and the whole system through the heart chakra with unconditional love. And your body and your energy bodies are really soaking this love up.
And love is overriding the information of pain, of sadness, of suffering. So, when there is love present, and you think about experiences where you suffered, like the energy is not coming up. Like you can't feel the energy of suffering. It's neutralizing. So, love is always neutralizing. And just filling the system up more and more with love. The human needs this especially because there were so many experiences throughout the lifetime where we felt unloved or not good enough. And the love is not needing these experiences and it's neutralizing. And it's not that this energy goes into the past. It doesn't work like that. It's all here in the system right now. It's just the memory of the system we're changing. The emotional memory.
Okay. And let's sit, in general, into this energy, in this energy of love. I'm increasing it as I'm turning it up more and more for the next minute. And then, I finish this meditation. I'm increasing the intensity of love.
Okay, we are finished.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Very cool. I'm certainly relaxed. I suspect our listeners are as well. And it doesn't matter. I mean, obviously, people are listening to this, you and I are doing it live together, but somebody's listening to this is hearing this well after the fact that we recorded, it will still have the same effect.
Eva Müller:
Yes, definitely because… so, this is a small healing I just created, and it's stored on an energetic level, like in a library. And by listening to this recording, you're basically just tapping into what's already created. So, it's always there, it's always available. Like you can listen to it 10 times, for example, and the experience of it will change because your system will change every time you listen to it, but it's always there.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Very cool. Eva, I wish we had more time together. This has been an hour and it flew by or nearly an hour. As you know, I love to wrap up every episode by asking my guests just this one question, that is, Eva, what is your biggest helping, that one most important takeaway you'd like somebody to walk away with after hearing our conversation today?
Eva Müller:
Yeah. I would love that people just have this openness. Okay, there are other possibilities out there you might have not known about yet, and I just want to look into them and give them a try. So, like this energy work, it's coming in. It's new, it's for this time, because we have very intense times. We experience very intense times on earth, and everybody individually probably as well, because the collective is the same as the individual. And we just have these tools now available, and they are helping us. And I think it's such a great opportunity, and I'm asking for this openness, and yeah. And if that resonates, please connect, and maybe it will resonate in the future if not right now.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, that was my next question. Where can people connect with you and find out more about what you're doing?
Eva Müller:
Yeah. So, I have a YouTube channel. There are a lot of YouTube videos. There are a lot of guided meditations where people just can give it a try and see if they like it, if they feel the energies. There are interviews and videos where I share. So, explanation videos.
And then, I have a free meditation, which is on every Thursday at 9:00 Central European time. So, this would be at 12:00 Pacific Time. I'm not sure in which time zone you are actually, but yeah, Pacific Time, 12 pm. And everybody's welcome to join. So, we are meditating in a big group. In, like, half an hour, we have a conversation of people asking questions. And then another 15 minutes, we are meditating together. It's always really beautiful.
And then my website is em-healing.com. And there ,you find more information about my work. And I work with groups, so with small groups. This is the main work I do. And then I have another website. It's called Next Elevations. And this is where people can connect to the energy transmission I was just talking about 24/7. So, this is something you have figured out. And it's kind of very exciting because the energy showed me a way how I can connect people 24/7 to this energy through a website.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Very cool.
Eva Müller:
It's a channel. I program basically the energy into the website. So, yeah, really cool. There is, also, a free trial if people are curious.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Awesome. Well, we'll have a link to everything that Eva is talking about in the show notes at drrichardshuster.com. So, we got you covered if you're in the car or at the gym. Well, Eva, this has been a fascinatingly cool episode. Thank you so much for joining us today, sharing your wisdom with us. It was really awesome.
Eva Müller:
Yeah, thank you so much for having me. That was really lovely being here. And so interesting. Thank you for your questions and thank you everybody for listening. So, thank you.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Absolutely. Like she said, thank you for spending some time with us today. I know that's a choice and everybody's busy. So, we're grateful you took time out of your day to listen to this. If you like what you heard, if you're going to follow up and learn more about what Eva's doing, go give us a follow and a five star review on your podcast app of choice because this is what helps other people find the podcast. But most importantly, go out there today and do something nice for somebody else, even if you don't know who they are, and post in your feeds using the hashtag #MyDailyHelping because the happiest people are those that help others.
There is incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to create positive change in our lives (and the lives of others) while achieving our dreams.