Joe Apfelbaum is the CEO of one of the fastest growing digital marketing agencies in the US, wrote five books in five years, and lost 100 pounds. There is nothing he can’t do. Today Joe joins us to tell us about his newest venture, evyAI,
evyAI is an AI assistant that drafts LinkedIn post responses, DMs, and more to help you save time making important networking connections. What used to take you 100 minutes, can now just take you 10. And most importantly, evyAI is personalized to reflect your voice.
As the author of High Energy Networking, Joe knows how vital it is to make meaningful connections. Take a listen to this episode and learn how you can utilize an AI strategy to build those connections today.
The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway
The right strategy will save you a decade. Remember that energy without strategy is a waste of time. So if you want to grow your business, if you want to grow your life, if you want to be able to help other people and take your life to the next level, remember there's a strategy. Success leaves clues. There's a way to get to your goal by looking at somebody that's already done it, like Dr. Richard. And so follow their footsteps, listen to their podcasts, buy their books, get into their courses, join their communities, get more involved with people that have what you want and you're going to get their strategies, and you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can literally do R&D– it's rip off and duplicate. You can literally just copy somebody else's strategy. Find the coach that has done what you wanna get to do and go out and just copy their strategy. When I tell somebody, hey, you know, I can help you with LinkedIn, just copy my strategy. Join my community and just copy my strategy. Do what I do.
Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.
- To join Joe’s community, text “community” to Joe’s AI at 973-841-8868
- To watch a demo video of evyAI, text “demo” to Joe’s AI at 973-841-8868
- Watch a free video on funnel strategy at AjaxUnion.com
- Read High Energy Networking
Produced by NOVA Media
Joe Apfelbaum:
If you think about what's going to happen in the next ten years when it comes to using AI, it's all going to be about personalization. Think about what you want, you hate when things are just plain and generic. That's what you hate. You really don't like that when things are just completely generic. When somebody spams you, the reason why it's spam is because it's not relevant to you. So, things are going to become much more relevant because the AI knows who you are and knows who's sending it to you, and that relevancy is going to be the key.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Hello and welcome to The Daily Helping with Dr. Richard Shuster, food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, tools to win at life. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, and whatever you do, this is the show that is going to help you become the best version of yourself. Each episode you will hear from some of the most amazing, talented, and successful people on the planet who followed their passions and strived to help others. Join our movement to get a million people each day to commit acts of kindness for others. Together, we're going to make the world a better place. Are you ready? Because it's time for your Daily Helping.
Thanks for tuning into this episode of The Daily Helping Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. And our guest today in a word is brilliant. His name is Joe Apfelbaum. He has trained over 1,000 companies how to leverage LinkedIn over the past three years, and most recently, how to use AI for business development and marketing. He's a digital marketing expert and the CEO of a marketing agency that has been ranked on the Inc. 5,000 as one of the fastest growing private companies in the U.S. He is the author of five books, including his most recent book, High Energy Networking. Joe is the founder of an AI assistant for LinkedIn, a software he developed with his team to help LinkedIn users maximize the platform and save time using AI that learns your voice and can help craft comments and content.
When he's not on stage all over the world inspiring and educating professionals, he spends time with his five children rollerblading and rapping in Hillside, New Jersey. We may have you rap a little bit here at some point today. Joe, welcome to The Daily Helping. It is awesome to have you with us today.
Joe Apfelbaum:
Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited about being here. And I absolutely love everything you said, and I loved our initial conversation that we had, Dr. Richard, so thank you for having me.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
You're welcome. And for those listening to this, this is actual Joe. This is not an AI bot of him. So, we're going to get the real thing, but we're going to talk about AI a lot today.
Joe Apfelbaum:
But my AI bot does exist and my AI bot does know how to make music just --
Dr. Richard Shuster:
I love this. Look at that.
[Music playing]
Joe Apfelbaum:
So, that is artificial intelligence creating music instantly about The Daily Helping Podcast for Dr. Richard.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
That is so much fun. We'll have to get that on iTunes sooner than later. Very, very cool. I can't wait to talk about how you did that. But I want to go back in time, let's talk a little bit about how you got on this road.
So, Joe, talk to us about what puts you on the path you're on today. I want to hear your superhero origin story.
Joe Apfelbaum:
So, my mother had a store on the Lower East Side, and she really wanted to be successful. I'm one of six kids. And my father, he's very religious, not very into making money. And she's like, "You know what? If you're not going to make the money, I'm going to have to go in and start a store." So, she opened up a store on the Lower East Side on Orchard Street in Delancey. I don't know if you're familiar with the Lower East Side.
And I remember her working 16 hours a day, struggling every single day trying to make a living. She had a women's boutique. And watching her growing up, it really pained me to see how much she was suffering, because she was actually suffering through it. It wasn't like, "Oh. I love having a business." It was like, "No. This is trudgery. I got to work really hard. I got to be lucky." And I remember going to her store and helping her out. And sometimes I would stand outside the store and try to funnel people into her store. And I remember sometimes she would break down crying and I just felt helpless. I felt like I can't do anything.
And when I started in my business, I was able to build my marketing agency, Ajax Union. To be on the Inc. 500 - it's one of the fastest growing companies in America - we doubled our business every year, generated millions of dollars in revenue. And I look back at my story while I started working on myself, and I realized the difference between me being able to build a business really fast and doubling every year and then what my mother went through and why I became good at building a business is because my mother focused on luck instead of strategy. She was like, "I got to get lucky. I got to get blessings." Blessings are great. Prayers work. Like you said earlier, prayers work.
But if you don't have the right strategy, I would say the right strategy will save you a decade. My mother didn't have the right strategy. She didn't have the right support system. And after a decade of trying, eventually she went out of business. 9/11 put her out. You know, there were no tourists. She owed too much in rent. It just didn't work.
And so, right now, I have this like chip on my shoulder that I have to help people be more strategic. I play chess every day. I have groups of people that I train and coach on how to use LinkedIn and artificial intelligence. You know, AI is garbage if you don't have a strategy with it. If you're just telling it to generate randomness, it's not going to generate anything that's relevant to your business.
And so, my origin story is by me watching my mother, the entrepreneur trying to make it and eventually not make it, fail, and the lessons that I automatically had to kind of suffer through in order for me to get really good at being strategic.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, I love this, and you're right, strategy is everything in business.
When did you really - dip your toe is not the right word, but when did you jump into the pool and really start taking AI as something you could utilize in a way that nobody else was doing?
Joe Apfelbaum:
Well, I've always been using artificial intelligence. You know otter.ai? That tool, I've been using for better of a decade. Like I've been using tools that type things up and then help with AI. AI has been around for decades. But me really getting into it is when generative AI became accessible to people that don't have to code. So, if you're not coding and you can use natural language to communicate with an AI for 20 bucks a month and get the highest level GPT-4 just like that, that changes the game for anybody.
Literally, anybody can go in there and be able to do anything they want in this world to make a difference. You want to create a course, you want to start a podcast, you want to write a book, you want to become an accountant, anything that you want to do, you can have AI assist you to get there, do it much, much faster, whether it's marketing yourself, whether it's organizing yourself, whether it's knowing how to think, researching, whatever you need to do, you can do it.
And when I realized about 2022, at the end of 2022 that this is something that people can leverage to be more strategic, to brainstorm, to ideate, to research, all the different things that we teach our students to do - because we've trained over a thousand people on how to use LinkedIn - a lot of them, they don't have the capacity to actually execute on it. You'll learn it, you'll do it a little bit, but then you don't have that consistency and you don't end up executing, you don't have the time, you have writer's block, whatever issues, you need more coaching on it and some people are not willing to invest in it. Now with the AI, you don't need any coaching. The AI can be your coach. You just need someone to teach you how to use the AI, and then once you know how to do it with natural language, you can do anything.
Like I built a software that has clients in 34 countries around the world. We have thousands of clients in 34 countries around the world. The idea didn't come from me. AI gave me the idea. I executed on it. The AI helped me execute on it. And I invested a lot of money with developers building a custom solution and spent hundreds of hours of research. But at the end of the day, if it wasn't for the AI, I wouldn't be where I am today.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, when you say AI gave you the idea, did you just sit with ChatGPT, probably version 2 back then, and just say, "Hey, I want to do something with LinkedIn and AI, give me some ideas"? Is that how this was born?
Joe Apfelbaum:
Well, I didn't just say that. I wrote up a whole persona for myself. As a marketer, I'm really good at writing personas about people. And so, I wrote up a whole persona about myself training the AI in who I am. And then I said, how can you give me ways that I can make an impact in the world?
Like if I wanted to impact a million people, here's my expertise, these are my skills, these are my values, this is how I want to help people, this is what I've done, this is what I've accomplished, this is what my clients had as challenges. You literally walk it through all the details in terms of the frustrations, the challenges, the dreams, the goals, you do a SWOT analysis, you really work on it using different frameworks of strategy, and then it starts ideating things that you can actually monetize.
And so, I came up with probably 150 ideas that were all monetizable. One of the ideas that really spoke to me was this idea of creating an assistant for LinkedIn. Because a lot of people use LinkedIn but they don't necessarily have the time to leave comments, or have the mind share to be able to write a post, or know what to say as a reply to a DM. So, our assistant, evyAI, allows people to be able to have kind of like a second brain on LinkedIn.
So, when you're on LinkedIn and you see somebody post something, in order for you to stay top of mind, you want to drop a comment. So, our assistant will read the post and draft a comment in your voice. And we keep making it better and better, so over the past year, we've been able to really significantly improve the AI by training it and making it better and better and better.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, when I read your intro and I mentioned that AI learns your voice and helps you craft comments and content, what you were talking about is really teaching the AI who you are, your values. It's not the auditory enunciation of your voice. It's just who you are. And that doesn't have to be it - well, let me stop. Is that accurate? Did I get that right?
Joe Apfelbaum:
Well, it's not just who you are, but it's also like your style of talking. Dr. Richard, you have a very particular way of saying things. There are certain ways that you speak, not just when you talk, but also when you write, and the message that you send out, and the type of grammar that you have, and the ways that you shift from one sentence to another. There's a style there that you have. It's called a voice. You have a certain voice. Not just the sound of your voice, how deep it is or whatever. But more importantly, the way that it comes across.
If you send me an email and if you wrote it manually, you're going to have a signature to that email where it looks and sounds like you. It's an email that you wrote. For some people, it's going to be like curt and short. For some people, it's going to be long and elegant. For some people, it's going to have fancy words. And for other people, it's going to have quotes in it. So, what you want to do is you want to think about training the AI to understand your style of writing and the way that you write so that it actually sounds like you. And then, once you can do that, then the AI can kind of just know who you are and just write posts like you would write the post.
Now, there are copywriting frameworks with best practices that talk about the hook, the main points, the call to action, the hashtags, and all that stuff. That's the education that I had to train the AI on for best practices for LinkedIn specifically. Because I had the benefit of training over a thousand companies on how to use LinkedIn, I was able to take that training that the AI doesn't have, and I was able to give it into a piece of software that now people can access for free and just start using LinkedIn very strategically.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, tell us what that looks like. I mean, do you have to be logged into it or is this thing integrated with the platform? I know you have to be logged in, but I mean do you actually have to have it pulled up on your screen and say, "Oh. This is a good post to respond to." How does it work?
Joe Apfelbaum:
So, the way it works is we have a platform called evyAI. So, if you go to evyai.com, technically you just press the login button. When you log in to our website, we will have something called a Post Writer, where you give it a topic and it'll write a post for you. We also have something called an Idea Generator. You click on Idea Generator, you put in an idea, it'll generate four ideas. You pick the idea you like, you press generate post, and it generates a post in about four seconds from that idea with a hook, main points, call to action, and hashtags.
You also have the ability to save specific people's profiles in our web platform. You take, for example, Dr. Richard's profile, I save it in the platform. And if I ever want to leave a comment on your post, I just click on See recent activity inside our platform, and then it'll load LinkedIn. Once you load LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to install something called a Google Chrome extension. So, if you're using Google Chrome, we have an extension that makes the browser be able to have our AI enabled application within LinkedIn. So, you don't have to leave LinkedIn within LinkedIn. If you install the Chrome extension, you'll have a little icon under Dr. Richard's post that says evyAI. When you click on it, it'll draft a comment on that post for you, and then you can decide if you want to change it or you want to actually post it.
So, LinkedIn's terms and condition doesn't allow you to have a robot automatically do things for you on the platform, because that would be weird and that would also not really represent you because you don't know what it's going to say. It's an assistant. If an assistant just wrote a post to somebody on your behalf, wrote an email to somebody on your behalf, you would probably want to see that email before it actually goes out. Get your eyes on it and make some changes and actually send it. But it's okay to have an assistant draft it for you, gets it 80 percent there. So, that's what our assistant does for you, it'll draft a comment for you, Dr. Richard, and then you can decide if you want to press post on that comment, or you want to change the tone, or you want to change the goal of the comment, or you want to change the persona, the training. And so, for us, it integrates into the LinkedIn platform using something called a Google Chrome extension.
But if you're not comfortable using extensions or you don't want to use the LinkedIn platform, you could just use our web platform to write posts, generate ideas, save profiles, optimize your profile, and so on.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Very cool. You had mentioned earlier as well that for DMs, this thing can basically talk to the other party. Tell us what that looks like.
Joe Apfelbaum:
So, for example, somebody messages me, a CEO of a recruiting company messages me and says, "Joe, would you like to hire my recruiting firm in order to get more qualified candidates? Blah, blah, blah." And this guy, I look at him and I'm like, "Wow. He has a $200 million company." He's the CEO of the company and somebody's reaching out on his behalf or he's reaching out to me trying to sell, because that's what people do on LinkedIn sometimes. So, I want to reply to him, "I'm not interested right now, but I would like you to check out my new book that teaches you how to network, or check out this guy's book, Zig Ziglar's book, that teaches you that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
So, if you want to build an actual relationship, let's have a conversation."
But I don't want to be rude so I tell my AI no, not interested, but check out my book, and I put the link to my book. And the AI will draft a beautiful response that'll say, "David, thank you so much for this thing. Although we're not in the market for hiring your firm to be a recruiting firm, it does sound really interesting and I'll keep in mind. However, I do have a book that you might find interesting if you want to improve your networking game here on LinkedIn, and you can find it on Amazon at High Energy Networking, or here's the link for your convenience. Thank you very much. Joe Apfelbaum." And then, I can press send on that because it's a well-crafted direct message.
Or for example, somebody reaches out to me on LinkedIn and says, "Joe, can you send me the link to your community?" So, I can copy and paste the link and hit send. Or I can go to my evyAI within the LinkedIn DM and just click on the persona that says Joe community, and then I write here's a link to the community and I press create, and it'll create an entire email, an entire direct message that says, "David, thank you so much for asking for our community. Here's the AI for LinkedIn community. You can find it at skool.com/school. Let me know what you think about it. Looking forward to having you engage in the community. Have a wonderful day. And by the way, happy birthday," because it said it was his birthday on the DM previously.
So, it wrote that whole thing for me and included the link and everything. I didn't have to sit there and do all that work. So, it just saves you a ton of time and does it in your voice. So, think about it as kind of like assistant helping you draft things that you would do anyway that's custom and personalized to the individual.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Amazing. So, I'm sure you have some data on this. On average, if somebody is spending, you know, five hours a week on LinkedIn, how much time would they be freeing up for themselves using evyAI?
Joe Apfelbaum:
So, the data shows of the 8,000 users that are using evyAI right now, that they are getting 10X their productivity. So, instead of spending 100 minutes, you can do the same work in 10 minutes. So, you'll go in - if you used to spend an-hour-and-a-half on LinkedIn, let's say 100 minutes, an-hour-and-40-minutes on LinkedIn - you can do that same amount of work. And I have it on LinkedIn Live of me doing it manually versus me using the AI. I show in ten minutes, this is how much I did. And then, I went on for 100 minutes and I had to do all that manually. So, writing a post can take 20 to 30 minutes. Sending ten comments, each comment can take five minutes. I got to read the post, write up the comment, think about what to say, edit the comment, post it. So, just basically spending an-hour-and-40 minutes, you can do all that in about ten minutes.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Amazing. I want to talk a little bit more AI in a bit just in terms of because you're an expert in this space where it's all going. But I would be remiss if I didn't ask you about your most recent book, High Energy Networking. So, I want to spend a few minutes there. What was the impetus for writing that book?
Joe Apfelbaum:
Well, I was always afraid of writing. I don't know if you know this about me, but I used to be afraid of speaking, of writing, of being on podcasts. I used to have a lot of fear, insecurities around my face, about my sound, about the way that I sounded. I was like, who am I to write? Who am I to put myself out there? All that type of stuff. A lot of shame. And one of the things that I realized is that Who am I not to shine? Me liberating myself from my shame and my fears will help liberate other people, so it's a form of giving back.
And when I realized that, I did a lot of personal development and I started doing public speaking, I started doing professional speaking, I started getting paid to speak. And people started asking me, "Joe, can you share your wisdom with me? Do you have any books? Do you have any pamphlets?" I was like, "Ah, books. Who even needs a book? Who's going to even write a book?" And then, I lost 100 pounds. I lost 100 pounds and people are like, "How did you do it? How did you do it? How did you do it?" I said, I'm going to write a document on how I did it.
And I wrote a little overview and people are like, if you can give me details on this overview, I would buy that book. And 500 people said they would buy the book, because I went on my ex-wife's podcast and 500 people said they would buy it. So, I said, "You know what? I'm going to sit down and write the book." I wrote down the book. In about 30 days, I had the book written. I had one of my employees at Ajax Union put the book on Amazon. They made a cover. They put it on Amazon. And 500 people bought that book. And dozens of people sent me emails because I wrote in the book, send me an email if you lost any weight because of this book. They lost 40 pounds. People are like, "I lost 40 pounds with your book." And I was like, "Oh, my god. If a book can have such a great impact on people's lives, I got to write more books."
So, I dedicated myself five years, one book per year for five years. And I published five books. And my most recent book is because people are just really confused about networking. They're like, "What is networking? How does it work? Why would anybody want to network with me? Why would anybody want to do me a favor and introduce me to somebody?" And I was like, "Oh, my god." So, I've made it very ADD friendly, and I wrote 52 different lessons on how to network properly.
I was recently interviewed by a connector who bought every book on Amazon about networking. And he's like, "Your book literally had the information from almost all the different books, but it had some things in there that I didn't see anywhere else, so I want to interview you for my podcast." And I was like, "Wow. That's really nice. Could you write that as a recommendation on my Amazon?" But that was really nice.
So, I worked really hard on this book and I worked with a writing coach and I'm very proud of the book that we published, High Energy Networking. And it really shows people how I went off from being afraid of networking. The first time I walked into a networking event, doing it all wrong, handing out business cards, not following up, whatever, to building a very, very solid foundation and communities of people that like me, know me, trust me, and that I'm able to give on a regular basis.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
I love that. So, really quickly, you had mentioned that this connector said you had some stuff in yours that the general networking books don't. Give us a little peek behind the curtain here. What's the secret sauce for networking?
Joe Apfelbaum:
Well, the secret to living is really giving. That's really the idea. People talk about that, but they don't really talk about how you could be giving, you know, the concept of just being there for somebody, the concept of the ten commandments of networking, of really going deeper, of reaching out to authors. Like you read someone's book, you listen to someone's podcast, you didn't reach out to them. Why haven't you reached out to Dr. Richard?
Every book that I read, I will reach out to the author if they put their email in the book and say, "Hey, I read your book. I really loved it. Here are my takeaways. I really appreciate what you put together in the world. I just want to drop a line." And nine out of ten times I get a response saying, "Oh, my gosh." Even Gary Vaynerchuk responded to me, and he said, "Thank you so much for the email. It means the world to me." People are not doing that. They're not reaching out to authors of podcasts, to YouTube personalities. Reach out to them. They put their email out there, reach out and thank them, and build a relationship with them and you never know what that's going to turn into.
And so, I always tell people, be in the mode of giving. Drop that comment. Make sure to share that post. Send a DM. Get involved in the conversation because the secret to living is giving and you realize that what you put out there is what you get back. And so, put yourself out there. Share information. Give someone a compliment. Giving is not just about generating leads. It's not just about sending you the next lead. Sometimes it's about just saying hello.
There was a story about someone who was suicidal and somebody just said, "Hi, how are you?" and it made them decide not to kill themselves. Like, you never know the little things that you can do for somebody by just connecting with them and building a relationship with them.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
That's so well said. I've talked about this a couple of times, but there was a young man who reached out to me several years ago who was literally going to commit suicide. And this young man, actually, I popped up in his social media literally moments before he was going to write his suicide tweet. And he listened to it and he did reach out to me and sent me this really heartfelt email about how I saved his life. And literally he was going to die and now he wanted to live and he wanted to start a podcast for people with mental health problems so they always know there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
And I returned that message. He actually gave me his number and we talked and we did build a relationship. And I'm so happy to say all these years later, he's really successful and he's able to provide 24-hour skilled nursing care for his father who needs it, his elderly father, and he would not have been able to do that before.
And so, just reaching out can be such a powerful thing, and so I would encourage everybody to do that, to the people whose books you read, and not just podcasts or Instagrammers, but people who really impact your life.
Joe Apfelbaum:
Yeah. No, it's really, really powerful. You know, research shows that reaching out to somebody and saying hi, or even someone that you don't even know well, can save a life. And so, just communicate, connect, build a relationships, be with somebody. Don't just look down when you're in the airport. Look around, see who's there, build that relationship, connect with people, and you never know what the universe will send you back as a gift.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Absolutely. Before we transition out, Joe - and I'm enjoying our conversation so much - because you are on LinkedIn and you are such a renowned expert on AI, tell us based on everything you do and everything you know where you think this technology is going in the next several years and how people are going to be able to utilize it that they're not able to today.
Joe Apfelbaum:
In one word, personalization. Where is the world going to when it comes to artificial intelligence? In one word, personalization. If you think about what's going to happen in the next ten years when it comes to using AI, it's all going to be about personalization. Think about what you want.
You hate when things are just plain and generic. That's what you hate. You really don't like that when things are just completely generic. When somebody spams you, the reason why it's spam is because it's not relevant to you. So, things are going to become much more relevant because the AI knows who you are and knows who's sending it to you, and that relevancy is going to be the key.
The key to success when it comes to AI is relevancy and that's where it's going. Everything will be personalized. You're going to have a robot in your house that cleans your house, that's going to know your preferences, know what you want when you wake up. It's going to literally know everything about you. Your Alexa doesn't have the preferences that you need to have right now to the level it's going to have it. So, everything's going to improve. When you get into your car, your seat moves, and all that stuff moves around already in certain cars. Everything is going to be customized for you and personalized for you, and that's really going to be the key.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Joe, I have loved our conversation. I can't wait to play with your tool. I love the idea. I mean, everything that you said really strongly resonated with me 10X in your time. Just outstanding. As you know, I wrap up every episode of our show by asking my guests just this one question, Joe, what is your biggest helping? That single most important piece of information you'd like somebody to walk away with after hearing our conversation today.
Joe Apfelbaum:
I want you to walk away with from this conversation is that the right strategy will save you a decade. Remember that energy without strategy is a waste of time. So, if you want to grow your business, if you want to grow your life, if you want to be able to help other people and take your life to the next level, remember that there's a strategy. Success leaves clues. There's a way to get to your goal by looking at somebody that's already done it like Dr. Richard. And so, follow their footsteps, listen to their podcasts, buy their books, get into their courses, join their communities, get more involved with people that have what you want and you're going to get their strategies. And you don't have to reinvent the wheel. You can literally do R&D, rip-off and duplicate. You can literally just copy somebody else's strategy. Find the coach that has done what you want to get to do and go out and just copy their strategy.
When I tell somebody, "Hey, You know, I can help you with LinkedIn. Just copy my strategy. Join my community and just copy my strategy. Do what I do. Here's a checklist. Here's 30 things you need to do on LinkedIn. You can hire an assistant to do it for you if you have the money. I'll walk you through step-by-step how to do it." And they're like, "Well, how do I even get to your community?" I'm like, "Have my AI send you a link to the community." And they're like, "How am I going to text your AI?" "You can text my AI, just text to 973-841-886. That's 973-841-8868, text the word community and watch what happens." My artificial intelligence will then send you a link to my community. And then, you'll be like, "Well, what if I want a demonstration video of evyAI, how will your AI send me that?" I said, "Just send the word demo to 973-841-8868 and see what happens. D-E-M-O, send it." And so, people do that and they're fascinated. The AI basically sends them a link via text message. And they're like, "How did you do that?" I said, "It's personalization. That's what it's all about. And I have a strategy."
So, the right strategy will save you a decade. If you don't have a strategy in your business, you can go to ajaxunion.com and you can watch a video. It's a 20 minute video, completely free, that walks you through our funnel strategy. And if you want a strategy for being better at networking, Dr. Richard mentioned the book, High Energy Networking. I highly recommend it because I get value from it. I have it on my desk. I read it every day. Fifty-two different chapters, very ADD friendly, highly recommend it.
And thank you, Dr. Richard, for allowing me to be able to share the value of strategy to the people that are listening today.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Absolutely. And for everything that you mentioned, the text number, your website, we'll have all of that in the show notes at drrichardshuster.com for those of you at the gym so we got you covered there. Joe, this was a pleasure. Love having you on. Want to do this again sometime soon.
Joe Apfelbaum:
Looking forward. Thank you very much. All the best. Bye.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Absolutely. And for each and every one of you who took time out of your day, grateful for you as well. If you liked it, if you learned something, if you're excited, if you're going to text evyAI, go give us a follow and a five star review on your podcast app of choice because this is what helps other people find the show. But most importantly, go out there today and do something nice for somebody else, even if you don't know who they are, and post it in your social media feeds using the hashtag #MyDailyHelping, because the happiest people are those that help others.
There is incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to create positive change in our lives (and the lives of others) while achieving our dreams.