Today’s expert guest is Dianne Collins, a renowned author and the creator of Quantum Think. Collins, with her groundbreaking book "Do You Quantum Think?: New Thinking That Will Rock Your World," has embarked on a mission to reshape how we perceive our thoughts and reality.
From her childhood, Dianne Collins was driven by deep questions about life and our role in the universe. Her quest led her to blend timeless wisdom with the principles of quantum science, creating a transformative approach known as Quantum Think. This system, comprising 21 principles and practices, aims to shift our habitual thinking patterns. It encourages aligning our mindset with a scientifically informed worldview, while recognizing the distinction between mind and brain.
A pivotal aspect of Quantum Think is the concept of "Observer Created Reality." This principle, rooted in quantum science, highlights how our perceptions and thoughts significantly shape our experiences. It's an empowering reminder of our ability to influence our own reality through mindful intent. Collins elucidates how this approach can lead to rapid personal transformations, emphasizing the interconnectedness of the universe and the importance of living a purpose-driven life.
Collins' insights provide a fresh perspective on personal growth and self-awareness. Her message is clear: by understanding and mastering our thought patterns, we can not only transform our own lives but also contribute positively to the world around us. Her teachings offer a path to discovering joy and fulfillment through purposeful living, making her a truly inspiring figure in the realm of modern thought leadership.
Listeners are encouraged to explore further and dive into the world of Quantum Think, a journey that promises not just personal growth, but a revolutionary shift in how we view and interact with the world.
The Biggest Helping: Today’s Most Important Takeaway
“Everything in this divinely intelligent mysterious universe has a purpose, every one of us has a purpose, you come in with a purpose. And one of the greatest joys in living is to know that first of all and to discover what that is and you discover it through looking at what you're drawn to, what are your gifts, what are your proclivities, what are you attracted to, what are you not attracted to, and it's like a mystery adventure of your life discovering your purpose, experiencing your purpose, knowing that all the different ways that you can express your purpose is your greatest contribution to your own joy and to the joy of others.”
Thank you for joining us on The Daily Helping with Dr. Shuster. Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Google Podcasts to download more food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, and tools to win at life.
- Learn more at diannecollins.com
- Read: Do You QuantumThink?
- Follow Dianne on Instagram: @quantumthinkdiva
Produced by NOVA Media
Dianne Collins:
Discovering your purpose, experiencing your purpose, knowing that all the different ways that you can express your purpose is your greatest contribution to your own joy and to the joy of others.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Hello and welcome to The Daily Helping with Dr. Richard Shuster, food for the brain, knowledge from the experts, tools to win at life. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, and whatever you do, this is the show that is going to help you become the best version of yourself. Each episode you will hear from some of the most amazing, talented, and successful people on the planet who followed their passions and strived to help others. Join our movement to get a million people each day to commit acts of kindness for others. Together, we're going to make the world a better place. Are you ready? Because it's time for your Daily Helping.
Thanks for tuning into this episode of The Daily Helping Podcast. I'm your host, Dr. Richard. And do we have an amazing guest today, her name is Dianne Collins. She's the creator of the groundbreaking system of thinking, QuantumThink, and ten-time award winning author of the bestselling book, Do You Quantum Think?: New Thinking That Will Rock Your World.
She's a highly acclaimed leader of new consciousness, popular media guest, and a strategic consultant to executives in major multinational corporations, as well as government officials, entrepreneurs, students, professionals, artists, and celebrities around the world. Some of her clients include Accenture, AT&T, CNN International, DuPont, McKinsey, Morgan Stanley, and Telstra to name a few. She's also been interviewed more than 500 times on radio and T.V. shows, including Coast to Coast, was a featured blogger on HuffPost and Thrive Global, and invited to present in the prestigious lecture series at Florida International University's program, The Study of Spirituality with distinguished speakers, including His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. There's so much more I could tell you about Diamne, but I'm just going to bring her on. Dianne, welcome to the Daily Helping. It is awesome to have you with us today.
Dianne Collins:
Thank you so much, Dr. Richard. I've really been looking forward to being with you and with all of your listening audience. Just let's welcome ourselves, all of us I'd like to include. I see things in fields, that's quantum thinking, that we exist in the field, and so whether you're listening past, present, future, we're connected. That's what I want to say. So, thank you so much. It's my delight to be here with you.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
I am excited. And you said past, present, future, let's start with the past. We'll get in the Dianne Collins time machine here, tell us what puts you on the path that you're on today. How did you get started helping people in the way that you do?
Dianne Collins:
I think I was born - not I think. I was born to do this work. And I think I was born to be a maverick, actually, because I came into the world and I remember questioning, really, from the age of four - don't worry, I'm not going to go through the whole thing, but, basically, when I got to be around teenage, I looked in the world and I had the same questions that all of us have at some level, whether we acknowledge it or not, you know, the perennial questions, Who am I? What's the purpose of life? Why are we here?
What am I supposed to be doing with my life? How can I make my greatest contribution?
And when I looked in the world, I saw this gap between how we, as a humanity, aspire to live the great virtues, to be in harmony, to live in peace with one another, to appreciate one another, value each other's gifts. And then, there was the other side of it, which we experience in the daily news or maybe at your family dinner table. So, it seemed to me there was something wrong with this picture. And I have this joke, you know, "Wait. I think I got off on the wrong planet," because I couldn't understand how did we live in a world where we were manufacturing weapons, building a whole industry around it, a whole economy around wanting to kill each other. And, of course, we could go into that in another perspective that we have to protect ourselves, et cetera.
But anyway, getting back to the answer, is that I wanted to find a way how do we create the life that we truly want in our heart of hearts for ourselves, our communities, our families, the world at large. And so, I started my quest. And I thought - I always been very logical - "Well, in order to create anything, you'd have to know what enables us, what are the dynamics of creation itself, how is it we create anything." And along the way, you come along the path as you're seeking and you come along as you think, so you become.
Thoughts create reality. And this has been said by the great wisdom traditions and, of course, now it's being verified today by not all, but a good aspect of quantum discoveries, the same thing, is that we live in a mind-based universe. So, the Buddha said, all that we are is a result of what we've thought. The Judaic and Christian Bibles both read, as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Well, before we go too far down an ecological journey, I want to unpack some things here, Dianne, because there's a lot in there. You're talking about one's unconscious perception of reality, which happens at an automatic level. And we know from the literature this is explained as kind of like this just governor who sits in the background, this governing system, almost like in the Terminator, right? Like he's looking around and he sees things and this text kind of pops in front of his head that just tells him how to operate.
In many ways, what you're describing is that in terms of how human beings perceive things, at least scientifically, but what's also interesting is now you're taking a little bit of quantum science, right? And you're talking about we're shifting, and I think we are shifting societally from this industrial age mindset and worldview to really starting to understand that when you're talking about energy and you're talking about these molecules that interact with each other in a very direct, intentional way, this isn't really woo-woo anymore. This isn't chakras and crystals and things that people used to just immediately dismiss as nonsense. What you're talking about are things that quantum physicists have been saying, really, since the '30s. But now we understand there's been the kind of this pendulum swing.
So, with the context of that, with the backdrop of this blend of understanding that our own cultural upbringing shape our worldview, but that who we are, not only as people, but as a species, are scientifically proven to be energetically interconnected. Take us through, because I really want to get to QuantumThink 101 here, so you said that it's not enough just to know that your thoughts change what you want to happen because of this governing system, take us through QuantumThink and tell us how the foundational practices that can help us improve our lives.
Dianne Collins:
Okay, great. Because I do want to give one aspect. Let me say two things just to complete on that journey, is that what I realized when I saw that "Wow, I could use the scientific evidence," I'm not a scientist, but I certainly have studied a great deal of it and to show, as you're saying, Dr. Richard, that this is not woo-woo. There is a lot of scientific evidence that confirms that, yes, our habits of thinking, which I call and we could say it like this, the state of your mind, and people sometimes think that mind and brain are the same. I look at it differently, I'll say that in a moment.
But I came to the conclusion that - well, the insight came through me that if I could put this all together, the universal wisdom that is common to mastery traditions, and show how that connects with the scientific principles that actually began with Albert Einstein and forward with the quantum science - and a lot of quantum physicists, they're not happy when you try to apply this as a lay person, but I think, "Why not? Shouldn't we use it?" - because when you see how these principles actually can shape our thinking, my idea was, what if we put this all together?
And so, we don't have to wait until it eventually trickles into our language and through the language into our thinking and eventually into society that we could actually, as you are saying, Dr. Richard, instead of having things be unconscious and hoping for the best, you know, where I say we're going to awaken, is it going to be crisis awakening or conscious awakening? That we can consciously awaken ourselves to a more expanded, up to date, and accurate worldview and actually condition our thinking so that we are more in tune with ourselves, with nature, and actually the way things work rather than the way they don't.
And what I discovered - and I can only say I'm very grateful to be the vehicle through which this comes - is that it works, and so that became QuantumThink. QuantumThink is what I call a system of thinking for mastering effectiveness in a changing world. And it's a system of 21 principles and practices for the mind and awareness. Now, why does it work? I call them distinctions and recreations, recreating an amusement for the mind, those are the recreations to make it real in everyday life. Because the other quest and aspiration that I had relentlessly is to have us go from merely knowing the wisdom to actually living it, to being the walking, talking embodiments of this universal wisdom now verified by science.
And because we've always had the wisdom, we all really know what to do, so the idea and the intent of QuantumThink is to have us have command over our mind. And by mind, I mean very specifically what we hold in awareness. What we hold in awareness, so you could say what we individually hold in awareness is, again, connected to the infinite mind, which some people call divine, some people call God, some people don't want to call it God, but let's just say infinite intelligence is a good word. That we're connected to the infinite nature, so that becomes our own mind. So, yeah, thought creates reality, if you can have any command over your thoughts. And, again, we have sovereignty over our own mind when we can learn the dynamics of mind and how it works.
So, QuantumThink as a system, the system is very important because the system embraces you so you don't have to work so hard. I like entertainment. In fact, my dream has always been to create an entertaining T.V. series that awakens awareness as you watch. And actually, I am currently in the midst of creating that series right now. It's not in production yet, but anyway, it's happening. I hope I'll be able to be announcing that at some point maybe in the next year. But the point being is I like entertainment. I like things to be easy. You know, we should be enjoying everything easy. You don't have to work so hard at it. Do I have to monitor every thought? No.
And I say in the QuantumThink, the thought of that is agony, not to mention the impossibility of being able to monitor every single thought. So, what do we do? When you see that our thinking can be in a system and it's where we become embraced by the principles, just like we were, as you said, Dr. Richard, unconsciously, meaning in the background, not aware of, we're seeing things as separate, in the physical we see people as different, and so did that lead to some of the discrimination that developed? Who knows? But possibly. But the point being is that the system - you look at a road system, I want to drive from Miami to Atlanta. Do I just get into my car and try to figure it out along the way? No. Why? Because we have a road system and I have free will within that system.
And this is a very important part of it, so there's a system of assumptions, of discoveries, of science, and of the nature of reality according to the deep thinkers who we call the master wisdom traditions. And each one of us is a part and parcel of that. So, it's not like I'm being dictated to by the system, but working within a system or bodies of a system, that's what makes it work. It goes off kilter. You can bring it back to have it work better again.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
It's homeostasis is what you're talking about. Every system is basic. Whatever system you're talking about is generally designed to have a baseline level of functioning. And if we veer a little bit to the left or a little bit to the right, it works to pull us back to center.
Dianne Collins:
Exactly. And this is why having an awareness of the system and how it works is so important. And it's really such a joy to know because, once you learn - well, I want to say something about the 21 QuantumThink distinctions, and I just want to present one of them for the purpose of this show. It's like this, whether you're reading the distinctions in my book, Do You Quantum Think? - I love my audio books. I hope you're listening to that one if you decide to do it - or whether you're watching my videos or listening to audios of Quantum Think, what is actually occurring is you are connecting to that universal wisdom that resides in each one of us.
So, what I'm doing in QuantumThink is I'm articulating it in such a way - I call the art of distinguishing, a new world view of learning - to bring something into your awareness right now in the present moment in such a way that you literally have a transformation. You give yourself a transformed experience, which has an effect, past, present, and future.
And this is the beauty of it, so I'm not saying like I know something, Dr. Richard, and you don't. I'm saying this wisdom resides in every one of us, at least in the way that you could say it this way that we are connected to it. So that when you hear something, when you read something, when you watch something, you watch a movie that resonates deeply, why? Because that wisdom is activated in you. And so, this is what happens when you're reading Do You Quantum Think?, is that you're reading the distinctions and you're giving yourself a present moment experience, and at some point the system kicks in. It's like learning a language. In the beginning, you learn the alphabet and then you learn the words and you learn the phrases. And then at some point, you start thinking in the new language. So, it's something like that.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
You know, Carl Jung spoke about the collective unconscious many decades ago, and it feels like this fits into that pretty perfectly, actually.
Dianne Collins:
Exactly. Yes.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
So, you had said, and I know that we're short on time, and obviously we're not doing 21, but you said there's 21 principles and practices involved in QuantumThink, pick your favorite. Well, you probably love them all, pick one that's coming to your mind and take us through it a little bit.
Dianne Collins:
Pick your favorite child. All of the above. Well, I wanted to give one that I call the core distinction, which is called observer-created reality. It's a hyphenated word, observer-created. And it's based on one of the core principles of quantum science, which is called the observer effect. You know, what made the shift from thinking everything was separate from us?
You know, scientists were sitting around looking out at the earth and the cosmos and everything and seeing everything as separate, not realizing that - which was discovered later on by the quantum physicists - how we view something actually affects it. Now, there's science language which says everything exists as a possibility until someone observes it, meaning puts your attention on it, not just observing like visual observing. But observation in this case means what you have your awareness on, what you have your attention on, what you're conscious of.
And so, when you think about observer-created reality, I say it very simply, what you bring is what you get. So, the scientist realized that the instrument of observation when looking under the microscope, it was actually changing the particle of energy they were looking at, the actual instrument. So, you think what is the instrument of observation for us as people? Well, that is what we hold in mind. And that means the assumptions that we bring to one another.
So, don't believe me when I say this, but look at it right now in this moment, what can you be aware of other than what you hold in mind? Now, suppose you're going in to see a client or a prospective client, and you're holding in your observation, in your mind, habits of mind that this person is hard to deal with. Or what I call the wretched cell syndrome, "I'm not good enough. What if they don't want to do business with me? I don't have enough experience," whatever it is, all these, I call them least action pathway thoughts. They're not the truth. You don't have to identify them the way the energy shows just because it's been that route before. You'll never get to how they got sourced.
And it doesn't matter when you're quantum thinking. The only thing that matters is becoming aware of them, interrupting them there, "Oh, there's that least second pathway." Don't give it any meaning and go back to what? Your intent. Intent is the active dynamic of creation that we've been divinely bestowed with by human birth. So, we use our intent.
So, getting back to the client example, you're going in to see the client, and what do you do? You notice that you have all these automatic thoughts. You realize they're not the truth. They're just thoughts that are passing through. So, there's a distinction between thoughts that visit, we don't know where they come from, and thoughts that we initiate, that we originate. That's conscious living, originating your own intent. So, when you see that you have all these thoughts that actually, as you said, we're in an energy, intelligent, conscious universe, a field. So, you're going in, we're in relational fields. When you go into that prospective client's office, they actually experience whatever you're bringing in, whatever you're emanating. So, you can shift it in an instant.
Now, this is the thing that people really don't believe because people think that it takes years to change, but that is simply not the truth. When you know the actual dynamics of mind, the power of intent - and what I'm talking about here that you can interrupt your own automatic least action pathways of thinking, of emoting - that you interrupt it, you create a new intent, you're activating a different energy field, and you go in, and the field, you can create an intent for another.
And I like to think of it, Dr. Richard, that we can create an intent for both of us, for the field, that what kind of intent would you say in that that we're excited about working together that we know that we bring a great value contribution to one another by joining forces and working together - and I felt the difference as I was saying it. I hope everyone did - that that is a complete shift in the vibration of the energy field.
So, when you walk in with I am excited about the possibility of us working together and that's your present moment experience, that literally alters the whole relational field. And you can do this. I used a client example. You can do this with the family, with anybody.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
With a family member, with anybody. This is great. Dianne, I wish we had more time together. We'll have to do another episode because we've got 20 more principles and practices we can tap into. As you know, I wrap up every episode on my show by asking my guest just this single question, Dianne, what is your biggest helping? That one most important piece of information you'd like somebody to walk away with after hearing our conversation today.
Dianne Collins:
When you realize that everything in this divinely intelligent, mysterious universe has a purpose, every one of us has a purpose, you come in with a purpose, and one of the greatest joys in living is to know that, first of all, and to discover what that is. And you discover it through looking at what you're drawn to, what are your gifts, what are your proclivities, what are you attracted to, what are you not attracted to. And it's like a mystery adventure of your life, discovering your purpose, experiencing your purpose, knowing that all the different ways that you can express your purpose is your greatest contribution to your own joy and to the joy of others.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Well said. I loved that so much. Dianne, give us the website where people can learn more about you and QuantumThink.
Dianne Collins:
Thank you. My website is diannecollins.com, and that's Dianne with two N's, D-I-A-N-N-E-C-O-L-L-I-N-S, D-I-A-N-N-E-C-O-L-L-I-N-S.com. And on there, you'll be connected to everything that I'm doing.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
Perfect. And we'll link to your website in the show notes at drrichardshuster.com so people can dig into QuantumThink. Well, Dianne, I loved our time together today. I wish we had more. Thank you so much for joining with us and sharing your wisdom today.
Dianne Collins:
It's been my complete pleasure to be with you and with everyone. Thank you so much, Dr. Richard, and thank you for the amazing work that you're doing, and you are helping people in so many ways beyond what you can see, I'm sure.
Dr. Richard Shuster:
I'm honored by your kind words. And I'm also grateful to each and every one of you who took time out of your day to listen to this. If you're inspired or you're excited to learn about the other 20 QuantumThink techniques and practices, go give us a follow on your favorite podcast app and leave us a five star review because this is what helps other people find the show. But most importantly, go out there today and do something nice for somebody else, even if you don't know who they are, and post it in your social media feeds using the hashtag #MyDailyHelping, because the happiest people are those that help others.
There is incredible potential that lies within each and every one of us to create positive change in our lives (and the lives of others) while achieving our dreams.